0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Linda’s  Message

Kia ora e te whānau

These are truly challenging times for all of us now.  We must make so many decisions about what is right for us and others, and as a country. We at Caring Families Aotearoa have had to make some tough decisions over the past two years. Several important events and programmes have been postponed or cancelled as we consider the risk to be too great for our people, members and the vulnerable we are here for.

This does not mean we have reduced our services. In fact, it has meant we have been challenged to look outside the box and think a little differently. As a result, we have several new programmes and communication avenues, which have made some services more accessible for caregivers throughout the country. I am very proud of the way our team has risen to the challenges we have faced. This year we expect to be able to return to our events and face-to-face conferences as our new normal emerges. So, thank you for bearing with us as we have adapted in response to the ever-changing circumstances, but most of all thank you for all the hard work, love and support you have continued to provide for those that you care for.

Linda Surtees the Chief Executive

Noho ora mai (stay well)
