0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Making Changes

stability in hard times

Perfect for:

Caregivers who want to learn how to maintain resilience and manage the emotional impact of caring for traumatised tamariki.

workshop duration

  • FACE TO FACE: 3.5 hours
  • ONLINE: Two 1.5 hours sessions over two days











Course Description

Do you know why it is so important to look after yourself? This workshop focuses on you, the caregiver. Many of life’s experiences affect how we care for our tamariki (children). Understanding this is important in maintaining a calm stance in your caregiving and helping your tamariki heal.

We will discuss the importance of self-care and social support to help you maintain resilience. We will also explore how to manage the emotional impact of caring for traumatised tamariki. You will be able to understand the impact stress and feeling overwhelmed has on your brain, which then impacts how you respond to certain behaviours displayed by your tamariki.

Learning Objectives

1. To consider the importance of social support and looking after self.

2. To explore how to manage the emotional impact of caring for a child.

3. To increase understanding of brain-based parenting and blocked care. 








What caregivers have to say…

Increased my knowledge & understanding of tamariki.

To know I am not the only person struggling.  Sharing experiences with others and hearing other people’s experiences.

A wonderful informative and friendly course.

Register Now

Interested in what you see? We would love to see you at a Making Changes workshop soon!

Click the button below to be redirected to our training site and see when and where we are delivering this course this term, and register yourself.

Please Note

Our training delivery is focused during terms 2 and 3, with reduced workshops during terms 1 and 4, as we know this is the busiest time of year for caregivers.  We also do not facilitate training during the school holidays. Therefore, during certain periods of the year we have limited courses available on our training calendar.

If you are interested in participating in a training that you cannot see available on our training calendar, please get in touch with our Training Coordinator, Dagmar, by emailing her HERE.





