0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


AKO NGATAHI Learning Together
Have you ever asked yourself why your child or young person has such extreme behaviour? Join us in our new online discussion series.
From the comfort of your own home, you can be part of this online series: learning together.

Coming up in November we will be discussing:

Gently challenging children’s hidden needs
– Parenting and Attachment Patterns

In this session, we will explore attachment in more detail. The way parents respond to children determines whether children develop secure or insecure attachments. This session focuses on how children with insecure attachments express or hide needs depending on how they expect their caregivers to respond.
Children with disorganised, controlling patterns of relating are complex. They express “I will not rely on you. Relying on you is dangerous. I must be in control.” They control through highly self-reliant, rejecting behaviours that keep caregivers at a distance and/or through highly coercive behaviours that keep caregivers attending to them. They hide away their need to explore the world and their need for comfort and nurture, except on their terms. It is a challenge for the caregivers to meet the hidden needs whilst trying to deal with the impact of the expressed needs.

“It is an amazing training people! totally worth the time commitment.”

“So many lightbulb moments tonight – thank you so much team”

To register for one of the two sessions in November, please click the button below. You will be taken to our online training system to register. If you have not used this system before to attend training you will need to  create an account. If you have used this system to register for a training, please log in.

Session One:

Tuesday 23 November at 11 AM

Session Two:

Tuesday 23 November at 7:30 PM