Allegations Support
Caregiving brings many challenges. As a caregiver you are responsible for some of the most vulnerable children in society; you provide a vital service. It is therefore distressing when an allegation is made about the way you care for a child or young person.
Up to three quarters of allegations are found to be unsubstantiated, however when an allegation is made, Oranga Tamariki, the Ministry for Children, have a statutory responsibility to investigate ALL notifications regardless of whether you care through them or another care provider.
Critical Support Workers
As part of your Allegation Support Service, the Critical Support team assign a Critical Support Worker to help the Caregiver until the investigation is completed.
Caring Families Aotearoa currently has 5 Critical Support Workers around the country.
To find out more about this invaluable role, or volunteer to become a Critical Support Worker please click below.
Contact the Critical Support team free phone 0800 693 278