0800 693 323

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April 2024 Auckland South Caregiver News

Regional Coordinator, Upper South, Nu'umoe Collins, woman, pacifica

Nu’umoe Collins
Auckland South Regional Coordinator
09 281 5609 or 027 244 7371

During Fostercare Awareness Week 2024, I was honoured to catch up with familiar faces and meet some new caregivers who are only just embarking on their care journey.  Coming from a large family and extended family it always made sense to me that it takes a village to raise a child. What I’ve been learning is the village will vary, and can include kin/non-kin, ministry of education, sports clubs, and wrap around services to name a few, that will all awhi and support our whānau and non kin carers alike.

It was great to have members attend the Whānau Day in Collaboration with Voyce and CLM Sport.


Due to the April school holidays we have a reduced training schedule at the moment, but do keep an eye out for what training is coming up during the next term (term two training schedule is due to go live during the holidays) – you can find out what is available online and in person HERE.


Look out for our Regional Committee Members in your Area, get in touch and let me know what sort of events you’d like to see in your regions. Below is a picture of me with some of my wonderful Committee Members at our first meeting of 2024.


If you are interested in starting a caregiver support group in your area, I would love to hear from you. Support will be provided to help you get everything set up, and Caring Families Aotearoa can provide a small reimbursement for coffees and food at your support group meetings. Contact me here if you’re interested!

Just a gentle reminder, if you are keen to join our Private Facebook Group you will be asked two questions. Please PM me if your name is different to your Facebook profile.

Till next time Malo lava le n