0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all,

Well Matariki has come and gone for another year and as you know it signifies a time to gather with family and friends to reflect on the past, celebrate the present and plan for the future. I do hope some of you had a chance to enjoy some Matariki activities one way or another.

Anna Gundesen
Auckland RC
09 280 3862or 027 538 9691

A lot has happened this year and often it is in the reflection that we find the learnings and comfort. I spent much of the Matariki period healing my three broken ribs and spending a month on ACC, so I didn’t get to enjoy some of the numerous public events on offer. However, we did enjoy an extended whānau (family) dinner, shared incredible kai (food), remembered those that had passed and those not present. We then had to all write down on small bits of paper one wish we wanted to receive and one wish we can offer and popped them into the fire to set them free. All of us, young and old enjoyed that. Our ‘home for life’ daughter shared with me her wishes which were for ‘courage’ and ‘she missed her mum’ … it was a moment of vulnerability and connection for us. These types of celebrations are especially important for the tamariki (children) in our care. We know that building relationships and creating memories is essential in building healthy brains and loving hearts.

Speaking of connections, I will be getting out doing training again this term. I’d love to meet up and see you all. If you cannot make it to a training, then I am happy to meet for a chat and a coffee. Please check the training calendar below to see when I am in your area.

Support Groups

FASD Support Group Auckland 
FASD Support Group meet every second Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Blockhouse Bay.
Contact: Ross Porter
Mobile: 021 644 150
Email: rossaporter@gmail.com

Kaipara Carers Support Group 
Email: kim.motv8ncoach@gmail.com
Mobile: 027 9785970

West Auckland Foster Care Support Association 
Contact Yasser on waucklandfostercareassociation@gmail.com
or Pamela on 021 803956

Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai
(Be strong, be healthy and be kind)


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