0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Regional Coordinator, Staff, Caring Families Aotearoa

Christie McGiven
Auckland Regional Coordinator
0800 693 323
or 027 538 9691

Kia ora e hoa mā, hello friends,

Well, the past couple of months have been very full. A definite highlight was seeing the start of some lovely connection opportunities for caregivers in our region. We have had three new coffee/support groups have their first meeting in the last few weeks which is very exciting. I am now looking forward to Matariki and enjoying some good food, taking in the night sky, catching some moments to reflect on things and learning more about this time of year. How will you and the family be spending the Matariki period?


On Monday 17th July, I have the pleasure of meeting you online for our next Ako Ngātahi session on the P in PACE, we’ll be learning about the Playfulness of the PACE way of being. Come join us for a relaxed Q&A session! Register through the button below.

I’ll also be hosting a couple of online workshops in Term 3 focused on the topics of:

  • Helping Children Feel Safe – Providing Structure and Supervision
  • Making Changes – Stability in Hard Times

To explore and register for any of our virtual or face to face courses, please click below.


I am keen to hear from you if you’d like to see a coffee group in your local area, maybe you’re less about the coffee and more for a beach walk with other caregivers – well, whatever it may be, get in touch with your ideas, or just let me know you’d like to see something happening for caregivers somewhere close to you. Email me here.

Coming up in the next month or so…

  • Royal Oak Coffee Group – Thursday 13 July, 10am-12pm at Royal Oak McDonalds (upstairs in the Party Room), all are welcome.


  • Polynesian Caregivers Group – Thursday 20 July, 10am-12pm at Clover Park Community House, 16A Israel Avenue. Please RSVP by text to Christie – 027 538 9691.


  • Sole Caregiver Virtual Support Group – Tuesday 1 August, 7:30-9:00PM online, via Microsoft Teams. RSVP HERE to get the link sent to you.


  • Male Caregivers Dinner Out Group – stay tuned for the next meeting date coming up in Term 3.


We have a closed Facebook group for our wonderful Auckland Caregiver Members to keep updated and connect with each other virtually, click below to join.


With Matariki upon us, how will you be spending the next few weeks? If you’re interested in exploring what events might be taking place in your community, check out Matariki Festival for inspiration.

Tiaki i a koutou anō, look after yourselves!  
