0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Regional Coordinator, Staff, Caring Families Aotearoa

Christie McGiven
Auckland Regional Coordinator
0800 693 323
or 027 538 9691

Kia ora e hoa mā, hi friends,

How have the first few days back at school gone for you and your whānau? I hope in the midst of a busy week getting back into things there were a few ‘wins’ and successes to balance out any stressors and challenges. As we head into Term 2, what are you looking forward to? On top of my list is our first Polynesian Caregivers meeting coming up this month. For more details, keep reading!


Balmoral Coffee Group

The next group get together is Thursday 11 May, 10am-12pm at Balmoral McDonalds, 192 Balmoral Road.  Come along, chat with other caregivers over a coffee, everyone is welcome.

Polynesian Caregivers Meeting

Following on from our Foster Care Awareness Week Talanoa, Nu’umoe (Auckland South RC) and I will be offering a space especially for our Polynesian Caregiver members to catch up each month. Our first meeting will be Thursday 18 May, 10am-12pm at Clover Park Community House, 16A Israel Avenue, Clover Park (Tutukina Room). Doors open from 9:45am. Click here to RSVP.


The Caring Families Aotearoa Auckland Support Closed Facebook Group is also a great way to connect with other caregivers in the Auckland area and keep in the loop with upcoming events. If you are not yet part of this group and would like to join follow this link

My days of work are Monday – Thursday 9:00am- 5:00pm. At times I’m out and about in our region for training and support so please text/ring me if you’d like to pop in for a cuppa or a catch up: 027 538 9691.  I’d love to see you.


Our Helping Children Feel Safe and What’s Behind the Behaviour workshops are happening this coming term. If you’re looking to gain some more information and ideas to help you support the unique (and varied) needs of the children in your care, these sessions are great ones to start with.

Here’s our face-to-face sessions this term:

Check out our training calendar for our online session times as well. Click the button below!

I am keen to hear from you about what would make our workshops more accessible and relevant to you and your caregiving role. Feel free to flick me a message (Facebook or text) or give me a call to share your ideas. I’d love to chat with you about it.


Mens Dinner Out with Rob, Wednesday 7 June at 7PM

Rob Surtees, Therapist at Caring Families Aotearoa will be coming to Tāmaki Makaurau and hosting a dinner out for our male caregivers at Bricklane Restaurant & Bar (New Lynn). It will be a chance to meet other caregivers, eat good food (steak dinner anyone?) and learn more about Caring Families Aotearoa. RSVP to me here by 1st June.  Here is a quick note of introduction from Rob:

Hi, I’m Rob Surtees,

I was brought up in care and then became a caregiver myself. My wife and I started caring for some of our family members in their teenage years, when things became difficult for their parents. Then, I met a young man at work; he had nowhere to live, was about to become a Dad and had lost his own Father at an early age, so I invited him to our home. His social worker was so pleased as she couldn’t find anywhere for him to go. Not long after this, we found ourselves in a family home as the house parents.

Now, I work for Caring Families Aotearoa in a variety of roles. One of my roles is to establish support groups around the country. I have a couple of men’s groups up and running and will be coming to Auckland in June and would love to share a meal with as many Dads as possible. I can also subsidise the first few dads by $20.00 for their meal. So don’t delay and RSVP above to book your spot.


Tiaki i a koutou anō, look after yourselves!
