0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora everyone,

The start of daylight saving is one of my favourite times of year, more daylight hours, sunshine and clear days, all feel like a welcome change from the indoor-based cool winter months. It’s hard not to feel a little more energised about the months ahead, especially with what is to come next– summer!

School holidays and a long weekend are in store for us in October. I hope you are all looking forward to some down time and a few sunny days in the midst of the hectic times the holidays can bring.

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Christie McGiven
Auckland Regional Coordinator
0800 693 323
or 027 538 9691


We have Foundations for Attachment Training coming up in November in Manukau, Auckland.

Foundations For Attachment – Therapeutic Training for Caregivers

The Foundations for Attachment programme is based on Dyadic Developmental Practice (DDP) and explains the complexities young people have come to us with, along with the how and what we can do to provide healing. This training will take place in Manukau, Auckland.

The programme is comprised of one session a week for four weeks. After the four week period, we facilitate five peer support group meetings (monthly) as well as telephone support for up to six months. To gain the Foundations for Attachment certificate, participants must attend all sessions including the monthly follow up sessions.

The sessions will be held on the following dates:

  • Session 103/11/2022 from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM
  • Session 210/11/2022 from 09:00 AM to 02:30 PM
  • Session 317/11/2022 from 09:00 AM to 02:30 PM
  • Session 424/11/2022 from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM

We help caregivers to truly understand the inner lives of the children in their care who no longer trust that caring adults will keep them safe. We show them how to become engaged with the children and guide them into a world where good care can be received safely.

Changing our parental behaviours and “go-to” responses takes time and practice which is why this programme is delivered over a longer period.

To find out more and register by 26 October, please go to our Training Calendar Click Here

Please also consider the online training sessions that are available to all.

Keeping PACE – National Conference

Our National Conference was a huge success. It was so great to be able to head to Lower Hutt last month for Keeping PACE and listen to incredible speakers and meet some amazing caregivers.

Face your Future 2022

Face Your Future was held on 28/29 September, with L’Oreal and VOYCE Whakarongo Mai. I’m sure a few Auckland Rangitahi/Young people have had an exciting time with peers and enjoyed a programme that never fails to deliver on hope and aspirations for those that attend.

Family Fun Days

Family Fun Days are fast approaching, with events in our region in November and December. Family Fun Days are local community events funded by local businesses. They are a great FREE day out for children in care, joined by other deserving children who have had a tough start to life and biological children of foster and whānau caregivers. For more information and to register please click below.

Coffee Catch Ups

For those of you living in or around Balmoral/St Lukes, Onehunga areas, we will be catching up over coffee between 10am-12pm on Thursday 20 October 2022 at Balmoral McDonalds Party Room, 192 Balmoral Road. RSVP here.  Or call 027 538 9691.

Closed Facebook Group

To join your Caring Families Aotearoa Auckland Support closed facebook group, click here. This group is for caregivers only and is a great place to share ideas and support each other.

As always, if you are in need of support, have a question or just would like to know more about how Caring Families Aotearoa can assist you, feel free to give me a text or call on 027 538 9691.

Tiaki i a koutou anō, look after yourselves!
