0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all,

As we have experienced the various faces of winter in our region over August, so to have we experienced the ever-changing faces of the Covid-19 situation. I do hope you’ve managed to get the support you’ve needed to get by. Please do remember that Caring Families Aotearoa are here to ‘walk alongside’ you whether it be with support, information, advocacy and/or training. Please do not feel like you need to do this alone. Making connections with others can make all the difference!

Anna Gundesen
Auckland RC
09 280 3862 or 027 538 9691

 I love this image by Charlie Mackesy

Charlie Mackesy image


Speaking of helping, there are still trainings offered in September and we are rescheduling the ones that were cancelled due to COVID-19 which I hope some of you may find helpful and useful in your caregiving journey. If you cannot make it to training, then I am happy to meet for a chat and a coffee. Check the Training Calendar below to see when I am in your area. We will be taking every precaution with cleaning surfaces etc but please do feel comfortable about wearing a mask and gloves if you wish.

FASD-CAN are having their Annual Workshop on Zoom on 12 September from 11.00am – 3.00pm. For more information, click the button below:

Fathers Day

This month we take a day out to celebrate our Dads (Pāpā).

I would like to pay homage to all our Foster Dads. These are the men, who to be fair, don’t always sign up for the job. They get the role by default through some epiphany that befalls their lovely wives or partners. And bless their hearts: not only do they agree to become Foster Dads, but they do an amazing job at it! Foster Dads: You role model the patience, kindness and caring that real men share. So, Foster Dads … Thank you! You are truly awesome!

Support Groups

FASD Support Group Auckland 
FASD Support Group meet every second Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Blockhouse Bay.
Contact: Ross Porter
Mobile: 021 644 150
Email: rossaporter@gmail.com

Kaipara Carers Support Group 
Email: kim.motv8ncoach@gmail.com
Mobile: 027 978 5970

West Auckland Foster Care Support Association 
Contact Yasser on waucklandfostercareassociation@gmail.com
or Pamela on 021 803 956

Remember: Caregivers are welcome to set up support groups – these might be based on child age ranges, specific needs, caregiver types (permanent/emergency/transitional) location or more!

To register a Support Group click the button below:

To find a Support Group in your area click the button below:

Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai
(Be strong, be healthy and be kind)


Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?

As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.

Click the link below to join!
Auckland Support Closed Facebook Group