0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou katoa, 

Term 2 begins and with it the hope that children settle, and we enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet. The month of May is when we celebrate our mums in all their fabulous forms. As foster mums it can be a bittersweet time where schools and kindys insist on children making cards and other crafts for their mums. I remember when I was a caregiver and Mother’s Day was a source of anxiety for the young people in our care. I could see them feeling conflicted in what they should do. If they made a gift for me, did it mean they did not love their mum? Did they believe I expected something from them and if I did, what could they give that I would want? If they genuinely wanted to give me something, would I reject it and see it as not good enough or would I react with over-the-top enthusiasm, another emotion they were not equipped to deal with. And what about the gift they wanted to give their mums but did not want me to know in case it hurt my feelings. Oh, the endless possibilities where an innocent celebration of our mums could be read in the wrong way and have the worst outcomes. So, what we decided in our house was that we would ensure everyone felt safe by not celebrating Mother’s Day. We agreed we did not need fancy advertising, instead we would practice being kind and caring every day and not wait for TV to tell us when to do that. It made life easier for everyone and really at the end of the day, as a caregiver, easy was good.

Photo of Nyvonne from the Auckland South

Nyvonne Krause
Auckland South Regional Coordinator
09 281 5609 or 027 501 0395

I don’t need to be reminded of the amazing commitment you have made to the children in your care. You are beautiful souls, each and every one of you. Be kind to yourselves with a bit of “you” time and I look forward to catching up with you soon.

Tohea, tohea, ko te tohe i te kai. Keep on striving, as one strives for food. (Perseverance will bring success)



If you would like to join one of our closed Facebook Groups. These are for caregiver members only. These groups are a safe space for caregivers to share and learn from each other.

The first group page is Caring Families Aotearoa South Auckland Support and it’s for Caregivers in the South Auckland region.

The second is called Caring Families Aotearoa Waikato / Hauraki Support. This is for the rest of our region.