0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Tena koutou katoa,

I just wanted to acknowledge some of the amazing people I’ve had the privilige of connecting with over the last couple of months.  Grandparents Raising Grandchildren are such beautiful souls.  I feel very honoured to have shared space with you during our workshops together and I have learned so much about human kindness and you give true meaning to the word love.  Thank you for having me come into your different parts of the region, I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Photo of Nyvonne from the Auckland South

Nyvonne Krause
Auckland South Regional Coordinator
09 281 5609 or 027 501 0395

September is looking like a busy month.  We have our Keeping PACE National Conference – see below for more information, Face Your Future two day camp for youth coming up later in the month, as well as FASD Awareness Month for Aotearoa, and Te Wiki o te Reo, Māori Language Week from the 12th of September. Check out their websites for lots of helpful information, resources, activities and events you can get involved with.  I hope to be able to keep you in the loop with what is happening for these via our region’s Facebook group.

Finally, this month we have the opportunity to highlight and celebrate the amazing men we lovingly refer to as “DAD”.  I would like to acknowledge all our caregiver Dads.  The gift you give of father figure, role model and “nominated taxi driver” does not go unnoticed.  Without you our children would not learn the wonderous qualities that make men loving, caring reliable Dads.  I acknowledge you not just for Father’s Day but every day.

Here is some feedback:

”Thank you for doing what you’re doing. You are loving in some of the hardest and deepest and most complicated places. Places most men go to great lengths to avoid. Yet you, with arms open and hearts broken, have courageously stepped towards them for the sake of others. That is so counterintuitive, remarkable and beautiful.”

“Thank you for wanting to make a difference in a child’s life and for being a safety net during challenging times.  Your impact on the lives of our tamariki is immeasurable.  We appreciate you.”



In September we are running three online training sessions, so you can learn from the comfort of your home;

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Online Training (FASD)

Ako Ngātahi Learning Together ‘Parenting in a Healing Way’

Difficult Behaviours – Managing Confrontation & Intimidating Interactions 

To find out more about these sessions and register please click here


Keeping PACE – National Conference

Our National Conference is only 3 weeks away! You really dont want to miss out hearing from our international motivational speakers, attend workshops and connect with other caregivers from around the country.

I am looking forward to catching up with you there as it has been a while since we’ve been able to see each other face to face.


The Waikato FASD group meet on the last Friday of the month at the Waikato Trust Community Rooms, Little London Lane, Hamilton from 10am – 12pm.  If you would like to connect with others on your FASD journey come along a share a cup of tea with us.

Don’t forget the two closed Facebook groups in our region.  Look us up and join, it is another way for caregivers to connect in a safe space with others who “get it”.

The Auckland South Support group

The Waikato / Hauraki Support group

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa.  “Let us keep close together, not far apart”.
