0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora Koutou,

With the school holidays around the corner, I’m sure there will be a lot of caregivers looking for winter school holiday activities. Now is the time to get searching for activities out there. I’ve had a little look around and found a few things that may be helpful. If you are in the know and have places, activities, or ideas, please feel free to share them on our closed caregiver Facebook group. If you have not joined yet, there is a link further down for you to follow and become a part of our little online community.

Whatever you are doing these holidays with your children or teenagers, make sure to leave some time for yourselves. Maybe plan to finish each day with a deep bath, or phone call with a loved one, or even your pre-recorded episode of a favorite show. Whatever you do, it’s about you and what helps you find your smile.

Nyvonne Krause
Auckland South RC

09 281 5609 or 027 501 0395


We have new training developed by Caring Families Aotearoa starting next term. I am really excited about the new topics we are offering. Please check out our training calendar below to see details of upcoming courses.

The first up next term is “What’s Behind the Behaviour – Healing Centred Engagement”. This newly developed training explores the importance of emotional connection with children. The idea is to parent in a way that meets the behavioural, developmental, and therapeutic needs of the child. This DDP informed workshop has an emphasis on ‘connection with correction’ to provide a secure and safe base for the child. I look forward to seeing you there!

Click the button below for more details and to register:

Upcoming Events in our Regions

Click on the button below for activities for kids in the Auckland region:

Click the button below for rainy day activities you can do in the school holidays. 

Click on the button below for activities for kids in the Waikato region:

Coffee Group

Our monthly coffee group will be going rural this month. We will be in the beautiful Morrinsville at the ‘Most Wanted Cheese’ café on Marshall Street at 10 am,  Wednesday 28 July. Please RSVP by texting me on 027 501 0395. I am looking forward to seeing you there.


If you haven’t yet and would like to, you can join up one of our closed Facebook groups. These are for caregiver members only. These groups are a safe space for caregivers to share and learn from each other.

The first group page is Caring Families Aotearoa South Auckland Support and it’s for Caregivers in the South Auckland region.

The second is called Caring Families Aotearoa Waikato / Hauraki Support. This is for the rest of our region.

Hei Konei raa / farewell,
