0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou / Hello everyone,

As we have experienced the various faces of winter in our region over August, so to have we experienced the ever-changing faces of the Covid-19 situation. I do hope you’ve managed to get the support you’ve needed to get by. Please do remember that Caring Families Aotearoa are here to ‘walk alongside’ you whether it be with support, information, advocacy and/or training. Please do not feel like you need to do this alone.

Nyvonne Krause
Auckland South RC

09 281 5609 or 027 501 0395

Fathers Day

This month we take a day out to celebrate our Dads (Pāpā).
D.A.D; affectionately known to some as “Deputy Assistant Director to Mum”. I would like to pay homage to all our Foster Dads. These are the men, who to be fair, don’t always sign up for the job. They get the role by default through some epiphany that befalls their lovely wives or partners. And bless their hearts: not only do they agree to become Foster Dads, but they do an amazing job at it! They can’t always make meetings or workshops because they’re holding down the fort or a job, but their commitment is no less than that of their partner. Foster Dads: you role model the patience, kindness and caring that real men share. Thank you! You are truly awesome!

Support Groups

Remember: Caregivers are welcome to set up support groups – these might be based on child age ranges, specific needs, caregiver types (permanent/emergency/transitional) location or more!

To register a Support Group click the button below:

To find a Support Group in your area click the button below:

Whakawhetai ki a koe mahi katoa / Thanks for all you do,

Nā Nyvonne / From Me!


As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.

Click below to find out which group is for you!

Auckland South/Waikato Support Closed Facebook Group

Caring Families Aotearoa Waikato/Hauraki Support