August 2024 Central North Caregiver News

Christine Frost
Central North Regional Coordinator
Ph: 07 281 1137
Mob: 027 501 0393
Kia ora koutou,
The holidays may be over, but now we’re re-learning our back-to-school routines. Not an easy task when it’s frosty outside and snuggly warm in bed.
Our little whānau have been hit with some winter illnesses and it seems to be taking a little longer to shake some of the bugs about at the moment. I hope you are managing to keep the flu bugs at bay.
If you managed to join us for our Matariki Waka experience, I want to take the opportunity to thank you. It really does warm my heart to be able to connect with you and your beautiful families when I host an event like this. It takes a lot of phone calls and organising and it’s just awesome to see you all enjoy the chance to come together. Thank you for braving the weather and making the day amazing.
For some of us, attending face-to-face training can be tricky, but I do encourage you to join us if you can. Some of the information shared by caregivers enhances the learning and we get some valuable tips. It is also a very nice space to share some of those things that are on top of us.
Please click the button below to explore and register for training opportunities in our region.
If, for any reason, you are unable to make these sessions, please make contact and I will arrange something that suits you if I am able.
It’s Conference time!! There are still some places left for Conference in September. We are in the beautiful Te Wai Pounamu/South Island, Christchurch to be specific. There is an amazing line up of speakers and of course don’t forget our Conference dinner. Unfortunately, I won’t be there this year. I have the privilege of supporting a family member overseas as he represents his club, and NZ, in his chosen sport. I’m hope to tell you all about it when we get back. Click here to find out more and register.
L’Oréal for Youth – 9 & 10 October. Formerly called Face Your Future, L’Oréal for Youth is an inspiring two-day camp for care-experienced rangatahi aged 16-18 years. There is still time to nominate your young person, find out more here.
We have also opened nominations for our Excellence in Foster Care Awards. Do you know an extraordinary caregiver in your community that deserves to be recognised for their incredible mahi (work)? These awards are a highlight on our calendar, recognising those amazing caregivers out there, and they are hosted in collaboration with Barnardos, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Open Home Foundation and Kia Puāwai.
To nominate a caregiver today and find out more about the awards please click below.
If you need any support or just to talk please do not hesitate to contact me! Nothing is too big or too small. Also, don’t forget our closed group private Facebook page which can offer support. Please click here to register and also see the latest news about upcoming support group catch-ups, events and Training.
Ngā mihi nui,