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August 2024 Lower South Caregiver News

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Stacey Penrose

Mobile: 027 501 0392

Email: southsupport@caringfamilies.org.nz

Tena Koutou Katoa

I hope everyone has been staying warm in the extremely cold weather we have had in the South!

I have had such a warm welcome from the Caring Families Aotearoa team and the caregivers I have met to date… it has been truly amazing. In the middle of finding my feet in this role, I had to do an emergency trip to my family in Australia with my tamariki. Travelling with little ones is always a juggling act and while enjoying the far warmer sun there, it was a welcome sight to fly back into Dunedin. Supporting our young people with sudden changes that occur in life is a great learning curve for them and provides us a chance to think ahead and often do some “on the spot” creative thinking when we need to!!

I am looking forward to touching base and meeting some more of our caregiving whānau over the next few months. It will be good to hear where you all are in your caregiving journey. And of course, if you need to reach out for support or just wish to say “Hello” please do so, I am just a call or message away!

Ngā mihi,



Please have a look at our training calendar by clicking the button below – there are lots of wonderful opportunities coming up. 


It’s Conference time!! There are still some places left for the Caring Families Aotearoa national conference in September. And this year, it’s not too far from home, Christchurch to be specific. There is an amazing line up of speakers and of course don’t forget our Conference dinner. I look forward to connecting with you there. You can find out more and register here- Picking Up the PACE 2024 (cfaevents.net.nz)

L’Oréal for Youth – 9 & 10 October, formerly called Face Your Future, L’Oréal for Youth is an inspiring two-day camp for care-experienced rangatahi aged 16-18 years. There is still time to nominate your young person, find out more here.

We have also opened nominations for our Excellence in Foster Care Awards. Do you know an extraordinary caregiver in your community that deserves to be recognised for their incredible mahi? These awards are a highlight on our calendar, recognising those amazing caregivers out there, and they are hosted in collaboration with Barnardos, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Open Home Foundation and Kia Puāwai.

To nominate a caregiver today and find out more about the awards please click below.


Remember we have our closed group private Facebook page which can offer support. Please click here to register and also receive information about upcoming support group catch-ups, events and Training.