Kia ora Koutou,
I hope everyone has had a relaxing break with time to recharge, refresh and reflect on what was an enduring year filled with the uncertainty of Covid-19 and the adaptations we have all had to make in our lives.
I spent a lot of my time relaxing with family and friends in the beautiful McKenzie country, and now I am looking forward to getting back into this new year. I have lots of exciting plans for the year ahead already.
![Marney Holthouse](
Marney Holthouse
Canterbury Regional Coordinator
0800 693 323 or 027 501 0392
February and March
February and March will be busy months as we are offering our newly developed training, “Making Changes-Stability in Hard Times”. This is being offered in Canterbury with face to face and online options so you can literally jump online from your own home if that works best for you.
To register for training, click HERE.
In March, beginning the week of Monday 7, we will be celebrating the committed and valued work of what you as caregivers do, with Foster Care Awareness Week. Look out for updates of what will be happening in your area.
Me tiaki, noho pai. Take care and stay well.
Marney Holthouse
Support Groups
Have you checked out any of the Support Groups for Caregivers in your area? We are very fortunate to have several groups across our region offering support and friendship to Caregivers and their whānau. If you would like to know more about these groups or when they meet, you can contact the liaison person for the group or me.
Otautahi Support Group (Christchurch)
Contact person is Angela Swinney
Christchurch West Support Group
Contact person is Bonny Stephens
South Canterbury Foster/Whanau Support Group (Timaru)
Contact person is Katrina Merrick
Ashburton Support Group
No current formal group gathering but there is interest for this to resume.