0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


  Kia Ora Koutou

The fire is going at home most nights now and last week we had our first decent frost which will stop the grass growing. What a growing season it has been for the garden!

May started for me, travelling to Wellington and spending some very enjoyable time with my colleagues and talking about the exciting plans we have for the rest of the year, with the National Conference in September being one (more details to come on that).

A friend recently took her moko to the Wigram Museum where they all had a great afternoon, did you know entry is free and they welcome visits from tamariki? You may want to check out the Kids’ Collection – An Online Exhibition of Flight, find out more


Marney Holthouse
Canterbury Regional Coordinator
0800 693 323 or 027 501 0392

Starry Night Sky

This month we have our first National celebration of Matariki that marks the start of the Māori New Year. Canterbury Caregivers: we’re busy organising our first event in ages, a fun evening for Canterbury caregivers and their whānau.  Crafts for tamariki, pizza and ice cream for dinner and a disco for all.

Te Whakanui i a Matariki – Celebrating the Māori New Year: Matariki is signified by the Matariki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky, this is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead. Matariki is a star cluster that appears in the early morning sky in New Zealand during the mid-winter months.


This term we have been delivering our new programme, Difficult Behaviours, Managing Confrontations and Intimidating Behaviours.  Both the online and face to face trainings are getting great responses and feedback. I guess most of us experience confrontational behaviour at some point.  Understanding where this behaviour stems from and why it happens is a great first step.

We are also offering the new Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) training.  This online training increases knowledge and awareness to better understand FASD, a brain-based disability.  We look at how FASD affects tamariki in their ability to respond or behave as we might want or expect them to. This programme also explores strategies for parenting and working with tamariki affected by FASD. 

For more details on our Training please check click the link below:

Keeping PACE – National Conference 21-22 September

Caring Families Aotearoa will be hosting our National Conference this year, yay, they are great!  It will be in Lower Hutt and we have an exciting array of speakers joining us for this event that include Dan Hughes and Jon Baylin who will be talking about Parenting the Mistrustful Child. Joe Tucci from the Australian Childhood Foundation will be speaking along with a range of local keynote speakers and workshop presenters. For more details check out our website.

Seeing the Unseen

I’m currently reading and enjoying this local book by Felicia Stewart which has been described as being a “handbook for Caregivers”.

Felicia simply explains what is happening for children with attachment and early trauma related experiences. She shares practical strategies to tackle behaviours from sleep issues to sibling rivalry, and manipulation to miscommunication.


If you would like to know more about the support groups locally and online, take a look at the link below, or if you would like to talk to someone in person, please give me a call. My hours of work are Monday to Thursday 8.15am-4.15pm.
Marney 027 501 0392. 

Me tiaki, noho pai.  Take care and stay well. 


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