0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Caregiver Resources

Watch ‘Amelia Speaking’

This short film was written and directed by Sydney Ann, a woman who has experienced being in care.

Best Practice in Access

Watch videos we’ve captured at seminars and conferences.

Allegation Support

Caregiving brings many challenges. As a caregiver you are responsible for some of the most vulnerable children in society; you provide a vital service. It is therefore distressing when an allegation is made about the way you care for a child or young person.

Download Allegation Support Information Sheet →

Your Roles, Rights & Responsibilities

As a caregiver you have rights, and responsibilities. Whether you are caregiving through a Non Government Organisation (NGO), Oranga Tamariki (formerly CYF) or a whānau/kin placement you need to know what your rights and responsibilities as a caregiver are.