Caring Families Aotearoa Highlights of the Year
What a year it has been! We have continued training, supporting, and advocating for caregivers, despite the challenges that the world has thrown at us. We are very excited for the future as we continue to grow and adapt our services to meet caregiver needs.
At our Annual General Meeting on the 20 October our Chief Executive Officer, Linda Surtees, presented the highlights from 2021:

Here is a snippet of what Linda Surtees, CEO of Caring Families Aotearoa has said about our year:
“Caring Families Aotearoa can only maintain the level of caregiver support, training, and advocacy we delivery with the generous support of our financial supporters. I want to offer a huge thank you to our wonderful supporters who have continued to back our work through a period of hardship and great need. You have helped to ensure children are cared for in a safe and loving home, and in doing so, changed the course of many lives.
Our highly skilled and dedicated team of employees and volunteers throughout the country have dug deep this year to provide the services our members value so greatly. I am immensely proud of each and every one of them and their unwavering commitment to help care families offer better futures to our tamariki.
I would like to thank our Board who have provided wonderful guidance and support to our work and always hold caregivers best interest to the fore of all decision making. In particular I would like to thank John Dickson our Chair, and our long-standing rock, Colin Hardgrave, for their support and advice.
Finally, with the greatest respect and admiration I thank our caregivers who make the greatest difference to the lives of tamariki through their incredible love and devotion, 24 hours of every day. We feel privileged to walk with you in your care journey and look forward to continuing to do so.”
For more information on our mahi (work) and the dedicated team, read our 2020/ 2021 Annual Report by clicking the button below:
Thank you to all who attended the AGM. What a lovely way to see familiar faces and see that Caring Families Aotearoa is appreciated and supported by so many kind people.