Kia ora koutou, What a month August was; and the weather events we survived! I know some don’t go in for climate change but I have to say... Aotearoa (and the rest of the world) is experiencing some extreme weather events. Our backyard is sodden... I hope you...
Central North News – July 2022
Tena koutou, Wow, winter is well and truly here! With these cold days and nights, I hope you are keeping warm and indulging in some yummy winter meals! I have to say winter soups and stews are what I love best about these colder months.Christine FrostCentral North...
Central North News – May 2022
Kia ora koutou, Wow, how time has flown! Here we are in term 2 already. I hope everyone had a nice Easter break and has managed to make it through the school holidays. Here’s hoping that this term is the beginning towards some form of normality now that we are in the...
Central North News – April 2022
Kia ora everyone I don’t know what its been like in your community, town and city recently, but in ours its been very quiet. People have been dealing with making sure their own whānau has endured this virus as it impacts services, product delivery and shopping items...
Central North News – March 2022
Nga mihi nui kia koutou/Greetings to you all Here we are in March already, how fast is this year going?! I am hoping that the transition back to School and routines for all of us and our children went as smoothly as could be under the current circumstances. As we sit...
Central North News – February 2022
Ngā mihi nui kia koutou, Greetings to you all! Here we are in 2022. The holidays have finished for some of us, and we find ourselves planning for the year ahead! My whānau and I have managed to get a change of scenery these holidays and visited the beautiful...
Central North News – December 2021
Meri Kirihimete (Merry Christmas!) As we edge closer to Christmas and look back at what the year has bought us and what this holiday season will involve, I’d like to commend you all on your resilience. You have pushed through some of the most challenging times and...
Central North News – December 2021
Meri Kirihimete (Merry Christmas!) As we edge closer to Christmas and look back at what the year has bought us and what this holiday season will involve, I’d like to commend you all on your resilience. You have pushed through some of the most challenging times and...
Central North News – November 2021
Kia ora everyone, Aroha mai, apologies that Chris hasn’t been at work for a couple of weeks. She has a personal situation she is dealing with currently. This has reminded me that, as caregivers, we have many times in our lives where things haven’t ended how we would...
Central North News – October 2021
Kia ora koutou, “Popoia te kakano kia puawai”“Nurture the seed and it will blossom” This whakatauki can mean different things, but for me, it highlights the importance of nurturing our tamariki (children) so that they blossom.Christine Frost Central North...
Central North News – September 2021
Kia ora koutou, Here we are again! Covid-19 lockdown. Take care everyone, in this isolation period. Stay safe, stay home, and let’s unite to eradicate this virus. My thoughts go out to all of you who are at home with your families, whether working or not, these times...
Central North News – August 2021
Kia ora koutou, As usual, the holidays have gone by very quickly and Term 3 is here. I hope everyone had a restful holiday and is looking forward to what this term has to offer. As I mentioned in my previous Snippet, please keep warm and stay healthy. We know there...
Central North News – July 2021
Kia ora koutou, Wow, what a month it has been. It has been so nice connecting with some of you during my first training for Caring Families Aotearoa. I have built positive relationships with caregivers and agencies trying to bring a collaborative approach. Thank you...
Central North News – June 2021
Kia ora koutou, Firstly, I just want to say what a privilege it has been thus far to have met many of our current members and a number of new members of Caring Families Aotearoa. I still have yet to get around some areas of our region and meet the rest of you, but it...
Central North News – May 2021
Kia ora koutou, You have made it through the school holidays , PHEW, So did I. "Kaua e wareware, he ra ano apopo” “Don’t forget tomorrow is another day” This month we celebrate Mother’s Day. To all our mums who share their hearts with our children in care, can I say a...
Central North News – April 2021
Kia ora everyone, My name is Christine Frost and I have been given the opportunity and privilege to be the new Central North Regional Coordinator for Caring Families Aotearoa. I am extremely excited to be in this position and am looking forward to supporting...
Central North News – March 2021
Kia ora everyone, I’d like to take this opportunity from Caring Families Aotearoa to acknowledge those of you who are Whānau/Foster/Kin/Permanent caregivers. You are a group of extraordinary, unique individuals and whānau that have certainly left an unforgettable,...
Central North News – December 2020
Kia ora koutou, After some deep thought and discussion with my family, I have decided to step down from the position of Regional Coordinator. I believe at this time I am needing to refocus on my family commitments in 2021. There are seasons in our lives where we...
Central North News – November 2020
Kia ora koutou! There‘s some great stuff happening in our rohe (region) in the lead up to the end of the year – don’t miss out! We’ll get into the details below, but firstly… I would like to take the opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to those who have been part of...
Central North News – October 2020
Kia ora koutou! I love the hope that comes with kōanga (Spring) and the chance to return to nature – hono ki te taiao. My whānau and I are looking forward to more outside time and maybe even getting motivated to plant some vegetables in the garden. We are loving the...