Kia ora koutou katoa, I hope you all enjoyed both Easter and the school holiday break. Let’s hope that this term is the beginning of a step towards normality. For those that have had Omicron in their household, I hope you have recovered well. I know for some the...
Upper South – April 2022
Kia ora e te whānau Well here we have it, Autumn. Darker mornings are happening already and the change from daylight savings hours mean a check in with smoke alarms. Change those batteries! It is also a time to reflect on the crazy days of summer and all the...
Upper South – March 2022
Kia ora koutou/ Hi everyone, I was going to open with a hope that everyone has had a relatively normal and good start to the year with tamariki and rangitahi heading off to the start of a new school year, giving caregivers a much needed “respite” after a lengthy...
Upper South – February 2022
Kia ora koutou, ngā mihi o te Tau Hou/ Greetings for the New Year. The start of the year always brings hope, anticipation and a little sigh of relief that we got through the last one! I hope over the Christmas break you were able to get some R&R and some time to...
Upper South – December 2021
Kia ora Kotou Katoa, As we approach another Christmas where life looks very different to a few short years ago, and our country enters another system that we are yet to get our heads around, I wanted to take the time to express my gratitude to the caregivers that have...
Upper South News – November 2021
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all, Well, here we are already in Term 4 and COVID-19 is still creating uncertainty in our lives. We are fortunate to be able to continue for the time being with some face-to-face trainings but of course, this...
Upper South News – October 2021
Kia ora koutou katoa, It’s been a tough couple of months for some and I hope everyone is doing okay? Remember there is help out there if you need it. The Ministry of Health has COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing resources on their website to help you and your loved...
Upper South News – September 2021
Kia ora koutou katoa, Here we are again in an extended lockdown, this time with little notice to get too much organised. I happened to have been away from home in Blenheim when the announcement came, so had no opportunity to grab anything from the office and only have...
Upper South News – August 2021
Kia ora koutou, As I pen this month's newsletter, it is the first day of term 3. It is teeming down with rain into grounds that are already sodden. These holidays have sent our region into another difficult time. Westport in particular, but also Marlborough and the...
Upper South News – July 2021
Kia ora koutou, We are into July and the school holidays are fast looming! Now is the time to start planning for those winter activities and the “Plan Bs” for those wet inside days. If any of you have some great ideas to share with others, please feel free to post...
Upper South News – June 2021
Warm Greetings/ Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, Welcome to the chillier months and as I pen this. A timely reminder, as some of you light your cozy fires and turn on the electric blankies, to check that your smoke alarms are working with new batteries.Denise Green...
Upper South News – May 2021
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all, Welcome to May and the cooling temps and the shorter days! You will be preparing tamariki to go back to school after the holidays for term 2, so I hope you are all rested and have had an opportunity to...
Upper South News – April 2021
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all, As I write this, I reflect on where we were 12 months ago. Who would have believed that this virus would still be prevalent in the world and that our borders would still be closed. I am sure that there...
Upper South News – March 2021
Kia ora e te whānau, Oh my goodness how does the first term go past so quickly! I seem to have been non-stop since returning from Christmas leave and here we are in March. I have moved office and am now located in the lovely Tahunanui Community Hub at 55 Muritai...
Upper South News – December 2020
Meri Kirihimete from the Upper South region. Well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said about this extraordinary year that is coming to a close! Except to say, that I feel very blessed to be in Aotearoa and part of an amazing care community in the Upper South....
Upper South News – November 2020
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all, I have had the pleasure to be a part of a couple of very special events in October and am happy to share a few snapshots of the fun that was had by all. First of all, we had a bike event run by Rob Douglas...
Upper South News – October 2020
Tēnā koe i roto i ngā āhuatanga i te wā / Greetings to you and the circumstances of the time, Gosh, does this seem like a relevant greeting or what? During this time of moving up and down alert levels due to COVID-19. Welcome to snippets for Whiringa-ā-nuku (October)....
Upper South News – September 2020
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all, The days are slowly getting longer as we are very rapidly approach spring (I’m already noticing buds on the trees!) in this very different year we are currently in. I hope you are all well and thank you to...
Upper South News – August 2020
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all, I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and the holidays gave you an opportunity to spend some time with your tamariki (children) after what seemed a very short time of them being back at school. It...
Upper South News – July 2020
Kia ora koutou, As I pen this month’s panui (newsletter), it has just passed the shortest day! A season like no other in our recent history! I will continue to call our members in the Upper South to check in, to update details and to touch base with many of whom we...