0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou,

Here we are in December, where has the year gone may we ask ourselves? Well, I’m not sure to be quite honest but what I can say is, “the challenges this year have been intense”.  Upon reflection I can say this, I am proud I managed to get through the hard times (some of them just!!!) happy that there were some good times and grateful to be here for my whānau and friends through all the good and bad times.

It has been my privilege to get to know more caregivers this year and my goodness you guys do such an amazing job with our tamariki and rangatahi.

Chris Frost

Christine Frost
Central North Regional Coordinator
Ph: 07 281 1137

Mob: 027 501 0393

For some of you, you’ve had your fair share of challenges this year, remember each and every one of you are very special people as you open your homes and hearts to tamariki in need of care and protection.  That right there is something to be proud of, and often we forget to acknowledge what we ourselves do is life changing for others.  We have all made it through another year however rocky, crazy, stressful it was… WE MADE IT!!!

The holidays can take an emotional toll on all of us, but our children in care may feel an increased sense of grief, stress, or anxiety.  They may pull away or withdraw over the holiday season, even if you are doing everything you can do positively.  Remember, this may not be a reflection of your ability as a Caregiver.  Remember PACE when all else fails……….  This has pulled me through some tough times this year and I’m sure it will help you too 😊

Take it easy and slow down! As the saying goes “Slow down to get there faster”

From our whānau to yours


Next Meeting Dates

    Tauranga Support Group

    2nd of December at 10.30am, 56 Eighteenth Eve

    Please let me know if you would like to attend by emailing centralnorth@caringfamilies.org.nz 


    Coming up in December we have:

    • Difficult Behaviours  – Tauranga, Friday 9th December
    • Difficult Behaviours – Online
    • FASD – Online

    Please register here if you haven’t already.

    Please see our website for training dates for 2023. Due out soon.


    We had our first Family Fun Day in Whakatane, what an awesome turnout!  Pinky the clown was a hit 😊 It was so awesome to see you! I will be heading to Whakatane in the new year to get things pumping so keep an eye out!

    We have one more Family Fun Day with tickets still available in Tauranga on Sunday 18th December (let me know if you would like tickets, txt 027 501 0393)

    Bring the whanau for a day out! It is lots of fun 😊 Please click the button below to register for tickets.

    If I don’t see you before Christmas have a break if you can, enjoy each other and bring in 2023 with happiness, love and light!!!!

    Ngaa mihi nui
