0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou,

Wow, what a month it has been. It has been so nice connecting with some of you during my first training for Caring Families Aotearoa. I have built positive relationships with caregivers and agencies trying to bring a collaborative approach.

Thank you to those who have opened their homes and their hearts to me it is an honor to be trusted to support you and your tamariki, ngā mihi nui.

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Christine Frost
Central North Regional Coordinator

07 281 1137 or 027 501 0393

To our sponsors, speakers, Regional Committee Members, and all my helpers, thank you all so much, you all played an amazing role in making our Matariki Celebration a success! It could not have been so successful without your support. I feel joy and happiness watching you and your tamariki engaging and having fun. It has been a blessing to be part of an awesome event.

The feedback received so far has been outstanding with caregivers saying:

“Awesome day well done, great mix of learning & sharing, fabulous Kai, kids came home having had a fun day, adults had a mix of fun, learning new or refreshing up on old skills, sharing, being real, being open and vulnerable and building new connections”.

“Wow! Today was full of fun and we were so blessed to be part of it. Many thanks to Chris and everyone that helped with the organisation of the mahi today. I’m so proud of everyone who came and participated. Caring Families matters. Thanks to the many sponsors, we totally appreciated the wonderful spot prizes. Big thanks goes out to Caring Families Aotearoa for supporting Chris and her team, thanks to Voice for keeping our tamariki safe and for the fun they had”.

National Conference – Keeping the PACE

Caring Families Aotearoa’s National Conference – Keeping the PACE is coming up on the 29th and 30th of September, 2021 in Lower Hutt.

We recommend you start planning for it now. Perhaps you could organise with your Social Worker for some respite over those two days. Come get recharged while learning some transformational ways of parenting children in our care. Caregivers also love the opportunity to connect with one another.


We have new training developed by Caring Families Aotearoa starting next term. I am really excited about the new topics we are offering. Please check out our training calendar below to see details of upcoming courses.

The first up next term is “What’s Behind the Behaviour – Healing Centred Engagement”. This newly developed training explores the importance of emotional connection with children. The idea is to parent in a way that meets the behavioural, developmental, and therapeutic needs of the child. This DDP informed workshop has an emphasis on ‘connection with correction’ to provide a secure and safe base for the child. I look forward to seeing you there!

Click the button below for more details and to register.

Winter has set in and I hope everyone is keeping warm and well! Stock up on lemon and honey, mixed with warm water, it soothes the throat and is an awesome preventative for those nasty colds. I have a few new hand knitted woolen hats, gloves, and blankets for new babies if anyone is interested, please contact me and I will be happy to send them your way 😊.

Lastly, the school holidays are coming up, so if you are going away, stay safe and enjoy, if not, take some time to relax. If you are working throughout, stay well. I look forward to continuing my role within our region and building more relationships.

Ngā mihi nui,

Chris 😊

Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?

As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.

Click the link below to join!

Central North Support Closed Facebook Group