0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou!

I love the hope that comes with kōanga (Spring) and the chance to return to nature – hono ki te taiao.

My whānau and I are looking forward to more outside time and maybe even getting motivated to plant some vegetables in the garden. We are loving the tui song and blossoms at our favourite local park.

Heather Jeffcote

Heather Jeffcote
Central North RC
07 281 1137 or 027 501 0393

I have really enjoyed connecting with many of you through training. Workshops are often full now with lots of great discussions happening. I am looking forward to catching up with many of you at training next term. We have Rob Surtees coming to our Region on the 4th and 5th of November. We will be making the most out of that visit, and also having an event just for DADS! – don’t miss out!

Please check out the Term Four training calendar which is now live!

Even though we had to postpone our Whakatane training, it was nice catching up with one of our experienced caregivers – the two of us had a good korero.

Speaking of Whakatane….
Hellooooo caregivers / whānau carers in Whakatane! I’d love to come over and offer some support and learning opportunities. Please let me know what topics you’d like to learn about or how we can support you.

School Holiday Activities

A week of school holidays has already passed but here’s a link to a neat resource for the younger tamariki that incorporates a lot of Te Reo and has cool activities like growing kumara and making kites.

Auckland News

On page five, in the second booklet, this is a child-friendly version of the Hand Model of the Brain by Dr. Dan Siegel. This may help kids to understand what is happening when our ‘lid is flipped’ – tell them that the thumb is like the alarm button and when the fingers uncover the thumb it sets the alarm off – encourage them (and you) to work out what helps to keep the fingers over the alarm.

Family Fun Days

It’s fast approaching that time of the year again… Family Fun Days are coming up in a couple of months. Caring Families Aotearoa will make the most of these events and have some Christmas fun too. Please know that we want you to feel appreciated, encouraged, and supported in the important mahi you are doing.

Ngā mihi mahana,


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Central North Support Closed Facebook Group