0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou,

“Popoia te kakano kia puawai”
“Nurture the seed and it will blossom”


This whakatauki can mean different things, but for me, it highlights the importance of nurturing our tamariki (children) so that they blossom.

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Christine Frost
Central North Regional Coordinator

07 281 1137 or 027 501 0393

Spring is here! The weather is becoming warm, and plants are beginning to grow again.
It’s time to prepare the gardens for planting. Explore the world of plants by planting some of your favourite vegetables.

My tamariki, my niece and her baby and I planted tomatoes and strawberries last weekend. The tamariki absolutely loved the experience of planting, making a mess and they are now looking forward to watching them grow. With my three year old saying “are they going to taste the same as the shop ones?” my reply was, “even better than the shop ones darling, because we are going to feed them, love them, and make sure that they get enough sun and water”.

The photos capture them planting, creating memories and lifelong skills they can then teach their own tamariki.

How about trying to plant some Kumara with your tamariki. Here is a youtube clip on planting kumara and there are many more youtube clips to follow for further support!

School holidays are also coming up, hopefully, the weather is great and we can spend some time outside and get our vegetables in the garden. For those who are working through this, don’t forget to take a break for you to get some much needed selfcare. As I keep saying “Remember to take care of yourself, you can’t pour from an empty cup”.

Be intentional about finding joy and reasons to celebrate! It is so important when you have tamariki in your households and the stressors that come with being their caregiver. Take some time this week/month for yourself and celebrate your resilience and dedication.

Also, I am working with our Regional Committee members to get support groups back up and running with a purpose. If you would like to be a liaison for a group in your area, then please get in touch and we will go from there.

I am here for all our members if you need support or even just a catch up give me a buzz!


Chris 😊

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Central North Support Closed Facebook Group