CEO Message July 2024

Kia ora
With the rising of Matariki signifying the beginning of the Māori New Year, now is a wonderful time to reflect on your health and wellbeing, plan for the future, and share memories of those who have passed. I hope you all managed to pause and consider the significance of our holiday on Friday in a way that was meaningful for you.
I am delighted to tell you that registrations for our national conference (24-25th September) are officially open! Don’t miss your chance to attend two fabulous days in Christchurch, packed full of workshops and keynote speakers to encourage and support you on your caregiving journey. You can register here.
Planning is also underway for two more special events – L’Oréal for Youth (formerly Face your Future) and our Excellence in Foster Care Awards.
If you are caring for rangatahi (young people) aged between 16 – 18 years, please have a chat about L’Oréal for Youth. Held over two days in Auckland (9-10 October), this event can truly be transformational – inspiring young people in care to have the confidence to reach their future potential. This is the 15th year we have worked with L’Oréal to offer young people this opportunity, and I am thrilled that we are collaborating once again with Voyce Whakarongo Mai to make it happen. Click here for further information about the camp and how to make your nomination.
Keep an eye out later this month as we also call for nominations for next year’s Excellence in Foster Care Awards. Anyone can nominate an extraordinary caregiver or caregiving couple, so please help us celebrate the incredible work you do for the tamariki in your care.
Finally, with school holidays just around the corner, I’d like to remind you to set some time aside for self care. It is easy to get caught up in the bustle of school holiday activities and lose sight of looking after yourself too.
Tukuna te wairua o Matariki kia rere ki te ao, kia whakakaha i ngā ngākau katoa (Let the spirit of Matariki fly into the world, strengthening all hearts).
Mā te wā (Bye, for now, see you later).