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Children’s Glasses Subsidy

Do any of the children in your care have problems with their vision? If your answer is yes, you may be eligible for the spectacle subsidy.

The Children’s Spectacle Subsidy is for children who are 15 years old or under provided they have a current high use health card or the tamariki or parents/ guardians have a valid Community Services Card.

Children will also need to meet the clinical guidelines, these will be discussed with you during your appointment with the Optometrist or Opthalmologist.

The maximum subsidy that can be claimed is $287.50 (GST Inclusive). This can be used for an eye examination, glasses (frames up to $138.00 and lenses), eye patches or repairs of glasses.

Optometrists and Ophthalmologists who are registered with Enable New Zealand will have the forms available for you to sign. (Check with the company before your appointment that they are registered with Enable New Zealand).

For more detailed information about the Children’s Spectacle Subsidy and how to make a claim, click the button below: