Denise Green
Upper South Regional Coordinator
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
Kia ora Koutou/Greetings everyone,
Here we are in December and heading at a great rate of knots towards Christmas and the holidays.
When I reflect back on 2023 I can say what a privilege it has been to walk alongside you during the highs and lows of caregiving. Some of you have had some magnificent celebratory moments with your tamariki/rangatahi and some of you are, and have had, some heartbreaking challenges.
We as caregivers have to shoulder and manage a lot as we care for our taonga/precious ones. We also have to manage ourselves, and health, and often we do this after the other stuff is sorted. I will continue to support you as best as I can and will continue to remind you to find the glimmers of joy and the chance for moments of self-care that we often have to make do with.

I wish the best for you all over the Christmas break, sunshine, sand, tents, books, food glorious food. And a snooze!
I will be away from the office (endeavouring to do the above) from Thursday 21 December to Monday 22 January. Our National Office will be closed from Friday 22nd December 2023 to Monday 8th January 2024. For urgent matters involving an allegation please call 0800 693 278. For all other urgent matters please call your Agency. For non-urgent matters please leave National Office a message on 0800 693 323 or email, and they will get back to you when they return.
Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū la/ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
How to Identify Your Glimmers
It can be helpful to keep track of your glimmers, just as you might keep track of triggers or other negative thoughts. You can do this in a journal or in a notes app on your phone. If you need help beginning to identify them, try these exercises below:
- Close your eyes and picture a moment of peace. This can be anything from a place you’ve been to, to somewhere you’ve only seen pictures of, to a place you’ve only seen in your imagination. You might want to go spend time there, have a picture of it readily available or create a picture of it yourself.
- Think of what made you feel safe and cared for as a child. If there is a way you can access that as an adult. If you didn’t feel safe and cared for as a child, think of what you can do that you wish you had then. Is there someone who can give you a hug or can you give yourself that hugging sensation by hugging yourself or snuggling under a weighted blanket?
- Think of a loved one. Picture someone you can just fully relax and be yourself around. If not, picture what having someone in your life like that might feel like. If it’s someone you know, spend time with them if you can or give them a call. If it’s not someone you know, watch a movie or listen to a song that reminds you of someone with these characteristics.
Some Common Glimmers
If you’re still having trouble identifying what your own glimmers are, here are some common ones:
- Feeling the warmth of the sun
- Sensing the cool, salty ocean air
- The smell of cut grass
- Seeing a rainbow
- Sunlight sparkling on water
- Smelling lavender or some other relaxing scent
- Petting a dog or cat
- Being in nature
- A stranger smiling at you in public
- The perfect cup of coffee