0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora,

Here we are already at our Whiringa-ā-nuku (October) Snippets.

We have almost made it through this incredible year and we are on the home straight! I have run out of words to try and say how I feel about the way the world has changed this year. I’m sure lots of you have felt its effects in so many ways. I know myself and my whānau have.

Stephanie James-Sadler
National Manager Training & Support
04 282 0490 or 0800 693 323

Plane Analogy

Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai / Be strong, be healthy and be kind!

As caregivers, we are often the ones who continually hold our whare (home), our whānau (family), and the many weekly activities all together! I know lots of you over these past months have just given and given and still continue to give. Please grab a moment to fill your own emotional tanks. If Caring Families Aotearoa can help, please connect with us, we are only a phone call away. For those that have flown on planes, the oxygen mask script is something I’m reminded of at this time, especially as a caregiver “apply your own oxygen mask first so you can help others with theirs”.

Te Wiki o te Reo Maori (Maori Language week) has just finished as I write this. It was great to hear Te Reo being spoken around me by my colleagues, friends, whānau, and media presenters. I’m really loving all the Te Reo on the TV! I know we have a long journey to go, but I’m glad we’ve begun (at some level) trying to integrate the use of Te Reo into our day to day lives. You will see and hear more use of Te Reo and Te Ao Maori (the Maori world view) in our trainings from now on, this brings diverse meaning and concepts of consideration to some of the things we discuss.

By the time you receive this, we will have begun the school holidays. Hopefully, we can all enjoy the longer days of spring and hopefully better days ahead.


Māori karakia or prayer

May the sun bring you energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the wind blow new strength into your being, may you walk on this earth in peace all the days of your life and know its beauty forever and ever, amen.

Mā te rā e kawe mai te ngoi ia rā ia rā,

mā te marama e whakaora i a koe i waenga pō,

mā te ua e horoi ōu māharahara,

mā te hau e pupuhi te pākahukahu ki roto i tō tinana,

i roto i ōu hikoitanga i te ao kia whakaaro koe ki te hūmarie

ataahua hoki o ōu rā mō ake tonu atu, Āmine.

Ngā mihi nui,


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