Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a permanent injury to the brain which results from prenatal alcohol exposure. FASD is diverse, complex and individual, manifesting many different learning, health and social difficulties, often resulting in very challenging behaviours if those needs are left unmet.
It is estimated that in Aotearoa, 60,000 tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) are living with FASD and many of whom are children in care.
Tamariki in care often struggle with day-to-day activities, FASD further compounds this as children can have difficulty socialising with others and may find it hard to make friends, are often impulsive, find it a challenge to read cues, and may not understand consequences for behaviour which makes ‘normal’ parenting impossible.
There is currently no disability support for tamariki and rangatahi with FASD unless they also have an intellectual disability. This results in most of these families being disproportionately affected because they do not have that support.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
– Care Action Network
FASD-CAN is a non-profit charity established to support those raising, living and working with individuals affected by pre-natal alcohol exposure in Aotearoa. Run by a team of volunteers who understand the implications of FASD, they are able to give you advice and also connect with other people who are also raising or working with children who have FASD.
On their website ( there is more information about FASD, strategies that work, resources and support, including contact details for support groups.
Joining FASD-CAN costs very little and will give you access to caregiver support groups and resources related to FASD (currently $10 plus donation for resources)
To become a member, click the button below.