February 2025 Lower North Caregiver News

Tēnā Koutou Katoa
I hope that you’re having a fabulous summer and by now all your children will have returned to school. Give yourself a pat on the back for making it through the holidays and tell yourself that you’re amazing!
Secondly, I would like to welcome our Northwest and East Coast Caregivers, (south of Gisborne) to the Lower North Region. We have merged the three regions; North West, some of East Coast and Lower North all into Lower North, to create one region.
Everything will continue to stay the same except for the name. You still have me, and I will continue to recognize the unique aspects of the regions. To understand the region boundaries a bit better there is an interactive map on our website, and a list of the towns that are in this new region. Please click here to find out more.
As we have now entered a new year, I wonder, what new goals you have for yourself. I know tradition says to do it before the year ends, but the very next day we end up breaking our own goals because of the continued family celebrations and public holidays. So, with all the crazy fun out of the way, I wonder what it is this year you are going to change for yourself. It could be things like “being more PACEful with my children,” or “I want to be someone who spends 15mins a day doing mindful thinking.” Whatever it is, make it realistic and make it work for you. With every goal you make you need steppingstones to get to where you need to be, for example, “My first tea break at work I will spend that time practicing mindfulness,” or “I will research techniques on how to be mindful.”
With that being said, I look forward to another year of walking this journey of care with you. Providing support and assistance to help you get to where you aim to be as a caregiver and parent. You are not alone in your journey, and with every goal you set yourself, know that you have someone cheering you on saying; “You can do this!”

Foster Care Awareness Week
Foster Care Awareness week, (3-9 March) is an annual celebration held every March. It’s a special week that is all about celebrating YOU; our wonderful caregiver members who put in the mahi every day to care for some of Aotearoa’s most vulnerable children.
I have been busy working with your Regional Committee’s to plan Foster Care Awareness Week appreciation morning teas. A chance for you to come together with your local Regional Committee for connection, a fun activity, and kai (food).
Registrations for Foster Care Awareness Week events are now open! Limited space available, so register for your chance to be a part of the occasion.
Manawatu Foster Care Association
- Monday 3rd March
- 10:45am
- To be held in Feilding and address will be confirmed on registration
Wellington Family and Foster Care Association
- Tuesday 4th March
- 10am-12pm
- Caring Families Aotearoa National Office, Level 4, 45 Knights Road, Lower Hutt
Taranaki Support Group
- Thursday 27th March
- 10am – 12pm
- Linkin Kin, 85 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth
In the Wairarapa, the Support Group are holding a family get together in the park. More details are to come.
Wairarapa Family Get Together
- Saturday 1st March
- 3pm – 5pm
- Carrington Park and Playground, 67 High Street, Carterton
To register for all events and find out more, please click below.
Want to start 2025 empowered with the right therapeutic parenting tools to help you on your caregiving journey?! Our online training schedule kicks off this month offering you a variety of courses to help you on your caregiving journey. I will be hosting the following training sessions online:
Join me online for:
Difficult Behaviours – Managing Confrontation & Intimidating Ineractions
10 and 11 February
7:30pm – 9pm
Register here
Ako Ngātahi (Learning Together) Parenting in a healing way
18 February
11am – 12pm
Register here
To find out more about all our online caregiver training available this month (and next!) please click the button below.
For the Lower North Region, I will update and administer the following three Caring Families Aotearoa Support Facebook Groups:
Hawkes Bay (formerly East Coast)
Please note the new East Coast region covers a much smaller area of the East Coast than previously, only encompassing Gisborne to Whakatane and out to Hicks Bay. If you live in this area you will need to leave the Hawkes Bay (formerly East Coast) Support Facebook Group and join up with our North East Support Facebook page, which will have information relevant to your region.
If you need someone to talk to feel free to connect with me, your regional coordinator – 027 501 03941
My hours of work are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
Or you can call our national office 0800 693 323.
Ngā mihi,