February 2025 Canterbury Caregiver News

Canterbury Regional Coordinator
Lisa Watson
03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005
Welcome to 2025! I can hear the sigh of relief from all the parents and caregivers across Aotearoa as we wave our tamariki and rangatahi back off to school. If your child is starting a new school this year, or maybe a new year group with a change in Teacher, I wish you all the best as you navigate the changes and find your rhythm back into ECE and School for the year.
I hope all of you managed to enjoy some whānau time, whether you went on holiday or enjoyed some time at home, I do hope you had some opportunities for R&R!
I am really looking forward to hitting the ground running, we have lots of awesome ideas for this year, including events, training and support groups. If you haven’t already, please join our Facebook Page where we regularly share highlights and events in our region.
I know how beneficial it can be to find your community, likeminded people who share a common link, which for you is caregiving and raising children who require a lot of aroha, time and energy. It’s therefore vital that you look after yourself and connect with people who can support you on this journey. Please make sure you check out the many support groups available, they are always keen to welcome new faces, and your children are welcome to join you.
Want to start 2025 empowered with the right therapeutic parenting tools to help you on your caregiving journey?! Our online training schedule kicks off this month offering you a variety of courses to help you on your caregiving journey.
I will be hosting the following training session online with Denise Green, the Upper South Regional Coordinator;
Online Ako Ngātahi- Parenting in a healing way: Tuesday 18th Feb 7.30-8.30pm
To register for the above course or find out more about all our online training available this month please click below.

Foster Care Awareness Week, (3-9 March) is an annual celebration held every March. It’s a special week that is all about celebrating YOU; our wonderful caregiver members who put in the mahi every day to care for some of Aotearoa’s most vulnerable children.
I am holding the following event in Christchurch.
Keeping Memories and Dessert Evening
- Tuesday 4th March 7.00pm-9.00pm
- Upstaris in the Salvation Army Building, 250 Colombo Street, Christchurch
- Plenty of parking available
Please join us for a relaxed, fun evening of crafts, connecting with others and of course dessert! If crafts aren’t your thing, surely cake is! All craft items will be supplied but please feel welcome to bring your own resources. If you wish to start your own ‘Keeping Memories’ book, you can bring this with you, otherwise paper will be supplied. We will have some examples and ideas to get you started. This is a child-free event for you and other caregivers to have a relaxing evening and eat your cake in peace!
I will also be visiting the Ashburton region and holding two events there.
Please note these events are for caregivers in the Ashburton & Timaru district.
Appreciation Morning Tea
Join Lisa and some of the Ashburton Regional Committee for a drink and morning tea on us;
- Date: Friday 14th March
- Time: 11.00am-1.00pm
- Venue: Black & White Coffee Cartel, 22 Kermode Street, Ashburton
Ashburton Whānau Picnic & Fun Day
Join Lisa and VOYCE Whakarongo Mai for a BBQ picnic and face painting, a chance for the kids to have fun and the caregivers to catch up.
- Date: Friday 14th March
- Time: 3.30pm-5.30pm
- Venue: Ashburton Domain, 58 Phillip Street, Ashburton.
Canterbury has a variety of support/coffee groups that are always keen to welcome new caregivers. If you would like to connect with a group or haven’t attended for a while, make sure to check our Canterbury Facebook page or contact me canterbury@caringfamilies.org.nz for more information. These groups are a great way to engage with others in your community who are on their caregiving journey!
North Canterbury Caregivers Catch up
- Thursday 20th February, 11.00am-1.00pm
- Shared Lunch, please bring a plate to share. All welcome!
- Please contact Debbie for more information: debbiecurtis1965@gmail.com
Geraldine Support Group
- Wednesday 12th February, 12.00pm
- Drift Inn – There is a play area for the children!
- Please contact Maureen for more information: coopermaureen@hotmail.com
Christchurch West Caregiver Support Group
- Tuesday 4th February, 10.00am
- New members and children are welcome!
- Please contact Sytske or Bonny sytskenz@gmail.com | bonbazstephens@gmail.com
Whānau Kin Support Group
Meeting monthly, first catchup: Thursday 13th February 10.00am
Cafe Jireh, 81 Bickerton Street, Wainoni
Plenty of parking, children are welcome! Lisa will be group liaison and welcomes all members who are caring for whānau to come and meet for a coffee in a relaxing, spacious and child friendly cafe.
Please contact Lisa for more information canterbury@caringfamilies.co.nz | 0275010005
Also keep an eye on our Canterbury Support Facebook page for information from me and our Support group meet ups!
If you need someone to talk to feel free to connect with me, your regional coordinator. My hours of work are 8.30am – 4.30pm Tuesday to Friday
M: 027 501 0005.
E: canterbury@caringfamilies.org.nz
Or you can call our national office 0800 693 323