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Funding Increase for Caregivers

On Sunday 17 May, Minister Tracey Martin announced four changes to caregiver support as a result of the review of financial assistance for caregivers. This announcement will help 14,000 caregivers in Aotearoa. 

The four changes are as follows:

  • Increasing the Unsupported Child’s Benefit (UCB), Orphan’s Benefit (OB) and Foster Care Allowance (FCA) by $25 a week per child.
  • Allowing caregivers who may provide care for less than 12 months to access the OB and UCB.
  • Extending Birthday and Christmas Allowances to those receiving the UCB and OB.
  • Continuing payments of the FCA to caregivers of children in state care for up to 20 days while the child they care for is in respite care.

Over the next four years, $210 million will be allocated for tamariki and caregivers.

“This financial commitment will help to ensure that children and young people being cared for by extended family and whānau or non-kin carers can have the same opportunities we want for all kids in New Zealand,” Mrs Martin says.

For the full article from the Beehive click the button below:

Thank you to all the caregivers who were part of the

Financial Caregiver Review, you informed these changes.