Introducing the team at Caring Families Aotearoa
Our team of 27 will be featured in snippets over the next few months so you can see read about the team and what mahi they do at Caring Families Aotearoa.
Suzanne Silva
Fundraising Manager
Suzanne joined the team at Caring Families Aotearoa just over six years ago. She brought a diverse background of fundraising experience gained across the education, arts, museum and charitable sectors from the UK and New Zealand.
She has two main passions in her life – gardening and making a positive difference to people’s lives – closely followed by a love of animals and the natural world. You will therefore often find her pottering in her garden in her spare time.

“I’m privileged to work for an organisation where everyone puts their heart and soul into supporting those who are caring for some of our country’s most vulnerable tamariki. I also feel privileged to directly work with the wonderful individuals and organisations that support caregivers through their charitable gifts to Caring Families Aotearoa”.

Michaela Tahere
Michaela joined the Fundraising team at Caring Families Aotearoa in October 2018. She came to us with eight years of experience working with other not for profit organisations in fundraising and administrative roles.
Michaela’s journey with Caring Families Aotearoa is a rather personal one, her own parents took her cousin into their home when he was 11 years old.
“The work and dedication of foster and whānau caregivers is just so important and it can be life-changing for the children they take into their homes. My cousin’s life was transformed by my Dad who had a way of understanding and empathising with him. Dad showed him how to channel his energy in a positive way.
Behind these caregivers are a number of everyday individuals your local hairdresser, the mum you see out walking and the highschool science teacher, who donate to help them to change young lives. I love that the work I do here is making a difference in so many households.”
Christine Frost
Central North Regional Coordinator
Christine Frost is our new Central North Regional. Christine has work experience in the community, social and education sectors. She is focused on a strength based and solution focused approach to enable families/whanau to achieve positive outcomes. Christine is passionate about creating opportunities for individuals, families/whānau and groups to flourish and to achieve a state of mauri ora / total wellbeing working within an holistic approach.
Christine is a whānau caregiver of three tamariki and mother to two. She is looking forward to building new relationships, sharing experiences and knowledge with the many caregivers in the Central Region.

“I am extremely excited to be in this position and am looking forward to supporting caregivers to provide secure and healing homes, by providing tools to ensure the placement has the best possible chance of success”

Jennifer Hanson
Executive Assistant
Jennifer started working at Caring Families Aotearoa in 2014 as Administration Support for the national office. In 2019, Jennifer moved into the Executive Assistant position for Linda, the CEO, supporting her administratively. Jennifer is a mum to two teenage boys and a four year old boy and is heavily involved in the Wellington Polish Community.
“I have a real passion for the mahi that our organisation undertakes. Supporting our amazing members on their caregiving journey and knowing what a difference they are making in the lives of our most vulnerable tamariki and rangatahi is extremely rewarding. I feel privileged to work in such a close-knit work whānau and enjoy talking to caregivers on the phone every day!”
Last snippets we introduced you to Di, Dagmar, Joel, Raylene and Sarah. Click here to read about them if you missed it.