0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora everyone

I don’t know what its been like in your community, town and city recently but in ours, its been very quiet. People have been dealing with making sure their own whanau has endured this virus as it impacts services, product delivery and shopping items just to name a few. Well done you, for getting through this time. I know its certainly stretched most of us.

Just around the corner is Easter leading into the school holidays. I hope by then things will have calmed down and we’ll be able to take some rest, pause and let our breath out. The breath we’ve all been holding for some time. Here’s a little karakia, thought, reflection that was written and gifted (on the Te Rito Maioha – Early Childhood NZ FB page) to calm and re-centre ourselves. Try saying it to each slow breath.

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Stephanie James-Sadler
National Support Manager
04 282 0490 or 027 501 0398

This term, the team have been delivering “Making Changes – Stability in Hard times” to Caregivers. Thanks to those that have given lots of encouraging feedback. One of those ‘aha’ moments in the training related to the ‘Stress Thermometer’. The importance of starting to notice when we as Caregivers are becoming impacted. The impact stress has on our body, our behaviour, our thinking and our feelings needs to be acknowledged. Exploring the individual responses to stress and thinking about how to manage can help us take back control (of ourselves) in stressful and challenging times.

Next term we’ll be doing “Difficult Behaviours – Managing Confrontation and Intimidating Interactions.” Be sure to register. We’ll be delivering workshops face to face and online with various dates and times available. There will be some great takeaways from that training too.

You can find our training calendar here.

Enjoy what Autumn has to offer as we see the seasons change around us.

Noho ora mai rā (look after yourself)


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