0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Stephanie James-Sadler

National Support Manager

0800 693 323

Kia ora everyone,

It was nice to see those of you who came to our Foster Care Awareness Week Wellington evening event, with the Ombudsman last month.  It was a great presentation with some well thought out questions from the audience/caregivers.  I was again reminded that there are a lot of complex situations that several of you are holding and carrying.  You are doing an amazing job all things considered!

Janice reiterated that she and her ‘Children in Care’ team at the Ombudsman Office are very happy to chat with you about your situation if you feel you want to take your concerns further.  They can be contacted on 0800 802 602.

I know that Rob had some events planned around the lower north region too but unfortunately due to weather and late notice, we didn’t get the numbers so had to cancel.

We’re planning some more events and I will let you know soon, sorry if I sound like a broken record. We know that caring in isolation, without someone to sound off to and share the load with is really, really hard.  These events are for you, for you to connect with others and get something out of it to hopefully feel lighter, and more empowered as you head back into your homes.

Our Support/Connection groups around the region operate for this very reason – to help you get to know other caregivers, and empower each other through your journey. We are so thankful to all our amazing group liaison people for helping to keep caregivers connected. To find out more about these, click the button below to have a look at the Support Group page on our website, and if you want to find out more about a group please give us a call on 0800 693 323.

a note from rob

It was disappointing we had to cancel two of our Foster Care Awareness Week events in the Wairarapa and Horowhenua so if you live in these areas, please watch out for our Matariki events which we are planning now, you won’t want to miss them.

I’m looking at spending more time in the Wairarapa over the next six weeks to help re-energise and support caregivers to get together and engage with us, I look froward to hearing from you as to what it is you need to engage in training, support groups, or any other event.

I would like to say the workload in the Lower North has eased for you but of course, it hasn’t, with a large percentage of time going towards advocacy. So don’t forget we are here to support you to ensure you get what you’re entitled to.


Our Training Calendar will go live in early April, and we will notify you via email and our Facebook page. Remember we have online and face-to-face options to fit into your busy lives.

Contact Dagmar on 0800 693 323 – our Training Coordinator.  She can help you with any questions and even register you for training if you’re having trouble.


Foster Fathers Get Together

Rob Surtees will be hosting a lovely get together this week to connect caregiving Dads in the Wellington region. We will contribute $20 to your meal. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to jenr@caringfamilies.org.nz

Date and time: Wednesday 5th April at 7:00pm,

Venue: Speights Ale House, 75 Jackson Street, Petone

Another great place to get support is our private closed Facebook group. This group is only open to our caregiver members, so you have the freedom to air your thoughts without judgement. Everyone in the group gets what you’re going through.  Click below to join.

Please remember Rob and I are always here for support when you need someone to connect with. Please don’t hesitate to contact us through our National Office 0800 693 323.

Ka rawe ngā mahi, e hoa mā  (you’re doing an awesome role).
