0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Tena koutou e hoa,

I am back working in our national office now. Over the past month I have been contacting members in my region to check in! I really appreciate it when you phone or text me back so I know you are doing okay. If you need support, please call or text me on 027 501 0394. 

Last month was a really tough month for some and I hope everyone is doing well. Remember there is help out there if you need it. The Ministry of Health has COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing resources on their website to help you and your loved ones! Click the button below to check it out.

I will also put some of the sites on our private Lower North Facebook group, there’s some neat stuff for the kids too. If you have not joined our group already, please click the link below!

Bernadette Jones
Lower North Regional Coordinator
027 501 0394

Lockdown has had the added benefit of more whānau (family) time, time to relax and have fun with your tamariki (children). Caregivers have told me they are being kinder to themselves this time around with home schooling, particularly those who are also working. However, many have told me the schools have more expectations of the children, which is fine for children who are settled, secure, and have good attachment. If that’s not the case for your child, then please know the relationship you are building with your child has as much value for their future learning as the “three r’s” (Reading, writing, and arithmetic). Pat yourself on the back!

Family Fun Days

Registrations for our annual Family Fun Days are now open. There are events in Palmerston North, Masterton, Porirua, and Lower Hutt. Click the button below to register for a free day of fun and laughter with the whānau. I look forward to meeting you at some of the events, for the events I cannot attend, someone from our local committee will be there to greet you.

Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai. Me tiaki, noho pai. Be strong, be healthy, and be kind. Take care and stay well.
