0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Lower South Regional Coordinators

Jared Porter

03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392

Caroline Graetz

03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005

Nāu mai mihi mai te Mātahi o te tau Ko Matariki. (Happy Matariki)

I can’t believe it’s already July, and what a ride the last 6 months have been with over 50+ support cases, 8 events, 5 Face to Face Trainings, 13 Networking meetings, and the establishment of a new Dunedin Support Group, and I have a lot planned for the rest of the year, and next year (SUPER EXCITED!). 

I’d like to start by thanking everyone who has shared their caregiving journey with me and allowed me to be of assistance. We have some amazing Caregivers in the Lower South, and I just wanted to thank you all for doing such an amazing job and truly changing lives!


Talking about changing lives, Caring Families Aotearoa has released a Green Paper to spark discussion about the performance of New Zealand’s care and protection system and to outline proposals to make the system work better for caregivers and tamariki in care.

But, we hear you ask, what is a green paper and why is it important? Simply put, a green paper is a consultation document in which an organisation outlines its proposals for addressing an issue and stakeholders are invited to provide feedback. Our green paper is asking for system changes:

  • A strong community and iwi care sector that is a true partner for Oranga Tamariki.
  • Support that reflects the needs of the child, not their care pathway.
  • Better Care pathways.
  • More responsive, engaged, and cooperative social work practice.
  • Better preparation and ongoing help for caregivers.
  • And more measurement of the wellbeing of kids in care.

If you haven’t read the Green Paper, I encourage you to. I know it is a wordy document, but it raises some important discussion points that we would like to hear from caregivers on. We ask for your feedback via the survey link in the paper on page 27, please read the paper below.

Jared visiting Dunedin

I’ll be in Dunedin from 4th – 7th July. I enjoy visiting Dunedin, so if you want to meet up, here are my whereabouts.

  • Tuesday is a free day, so if you want to meet for coffee, email me and we’ll make plans!
  • Wednesday I’ll be at the Wānanga & Social Service Expo.
  • Thursday I will be at our Whānau Movie Morning, if you haven’t booked your tickets, book now.
  • And Friday I’ve been invited to the Oranga Tamariki Dunedin Office, Matariki Morning Tea, at 248 North East Valley Rd (NEV School Hall) from 11am with Food and Fun. Please come along if you’re available to say hello.

A word from Caroline:

Kia ora koutou katoa, nga mihi mahana ki a koutou i tēnei taima Matariki.

Greetings to you all, warm acknowledgements this Matariki season.

This year is passing by very quickly and officially winter has started. This is the season of the year when we spend more time inside where it is warm and cosy. That can be a great opportunity to read some books with the kids. A few months ago, I asked in our Facebook group for some picture book recommendations for children to help talk about their birth parents. Thank you so much for all your suggestions!!!

Here is a list with some books that you recommended:

  • “The day the sea went out and never came back” by Margot Sunderland
  • “Finding the right spot: when kids can’t live with their parents” by Janice Levy
  • “Every family is different” by Maureen Eppen
  • “Aroha’s Way” by Craig Phillips
  • “The invisible string” by Patrice Karst
  • “Foster Care: One Dog’s Story of Change” by Julia Cook

training and learning opportunity

I’m excited to announce that we will have region specific online training coming up. This will allow online training to be with your caregiving communities, (i.e. Dunedin, Invercargill caregivers), without leaving the comfort of your home during the winter period. See details below.

Dunedin Caregiver Online Training

Family Dynamics – Torn Loyalties

Difficult Behaviours

Invercargill Caregiver Online Training

Family Dynamics – Torn Loyalties


Dunedin Whānau Movie Morning, hosted by Jared from Caring Families & Amelia from VOYCE.

Take your tamariki to a screening of “Spiderman – Across the Spiderverse” (PG), these school holidays! Registration includes FREE admission, a small fizzy drink, and popcorn.

Date: Thursday 6th July 2023

Time: Arrive at 9:30am for 10:00am movie start time. 12:30pm finish.
 Venue: Rialto Cinemas Dunedin, 11 Moray Place, Central Dunedin
 Register at: https://www.caringfamilies.org.nz/whanau-movie-rsvp

We also are planning our Regional Hui in October which will be hosted in Dunedin, I am super excited to share this with you all, as we have some amazing guest speakers and activities, so keep an eye out for those details being released soon.


We have some wonderful community connections within the Lower South, please find below our Groups contact details.

Dunedin Support Group

Group contact: Andrea

Next Meeting: Next meeting will be August, date to be confirmed.

RSVP: faulksfamily@xtra.co.nz 


Central Otago Support Group

Group Contact: Tracey

Next Meeting: Next meeting will be August, date to be confirmed.

RSVP: thecanningclan@gmail.com 


Southland Coffee & Cake

Group Contact: Rose

Next Meeting: Wednesday 19th July, 12pm-2pm at Buster Crabb, 326 Dee Street

RSVP: jeffnroserhind@gmail.com


We have a closed Facebook group for our wonderful Lower South Caregiver Members to keep updated and connect with each other virtually, click below to join!

Tiaki i a koutou anō, look after yourselves!  

Caroline & Jared