Kia ora everyone!
April already! Firstly, I want to acknowledge the super job you do for the tamariki in your care.
It was sad to have to postpone the coffee and cake get togethers we had planned over Foster care Awareness Week. COVID-19 alert levels can be unsettling for many of us, so we decided to wait and see what happens. Hopefully most of you were able to use the pizza voucher that was kindly sponsored by Domino’s Pizzas.
It was great to meet some lovely caregivers at my Lower South training recently. I think we all shared and learnt about the importance of Identity and Belonging to the children in our care.
The merge of the Otago and Lower South area hopefully hasn’t been too disruptive for you as members. Just a reminder the Facebook pages will be combined shortly, so go to Lower South page if you haven’t already as we will be closing the Otago page. You can find the link at the bottom of this page!

Rayleen Hubac
Lower South Regional Coordinator
03 470 1277 or 027 501 0005
Support Groups are going to be my focus over the next few months. Kia pai to those who do meet and support each other. The opportunity to share, feel heard, and supported by others who have the same experiences is priceless.
I’m interested to hear from you what this would look like for you? So many caregivers are isolated in different ways. Let’s get creative and support each other!
Again, please feel free to call or email me. I am looking forward to meeting more of you and listening to your stories and what support fits best for you.
Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai / Be strong, be healthy, and be kind,
Thanks for your Feedback: TRAINING – National Caregiver Training Programme
We really do appreciate your feedback. This last year has been an unsettling time. We know we’ve postponed trainings due to the COVID alert levels fluctuating and people’s apprehension in returning to workshops in the aftermath of alert level changes. We know we’ve cancelled trainings due to low numbers. We’ve been working on a new training registration system that hasn’t always been as responsive to you as we would have liked. We’ve heard that this has affected your confidence in what we can provide. We apologise that this has been the experience of some of you. We believe very strongly in the importance of Caregiver learning and so are very aware of what we need to clearly communicate to you going forward. There will be some changes from July, we will let you know once the details have been confirmed. Thank you once again for your feedback. If you haven any feedback please email
Take a look at our training calendar and register if something catches your eye. You can call me or our Training Coordinator, Dagmar, if you need any further information about training.
Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?
As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.
If you are a member of the Otago Support Closed Facebook Group, please joing the Lower South Support Closed Facebook Group.
Click the link below to join!
Lower South Support Closed Facebook Group