Kia ora everyone!
Welcome to June already! I hope everyone’s keeping warm and dry with the changing of the seasons. We seem to be getting all seasons in one day at the moment. It is so hard to know what to wear. As I was dropping the grandkids off at school the other morning I enjoyed watching and listening to the laughter at the school gate as the kids broke the ice that had formed in the puddles.
It’s great to have new members in our region. Welcome to Kath from Alexandra. Melissia and Georgia from Dunedin, plus Ben from Gore.

Rayleen Hubac
Lower South Regional Coordinator
03 470 1277 or 027 501 0005
Support Groups
This time last year we were well into our National lock-down and getting so good at Zooming to stay in touch. We are so lucky to be living in a country that we can still get together and share in our support groups.
If you wish to join or start your own group in your area please get in touch with me or call our National Office on 0800 693 323. I look forward to hearing from you if you wish to do this.
The laughter, support and stories shared at the support groups I’ve attended has been amazing. I can’t express enough how important this can be!
Attendance during May has been low, however, we didn’t cancel and those who did attend gave positive feedback.
If you would like to do a training and day courses don’t suit, please get in touch we can hold it in a weekend or over two nights. There are also online options available.
Coming up in the Training Calendar is Kia Puawai – Supporting Tamariki to Flourish. This is on the 16th June at the Central Otago Netball Centre starting at 9.30 am. So, drop the kids to school and come along! To register, click the button below:
Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai,
Be strong, be healthy, and be kind.
Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?
As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.
If you are a member of the Otago Support Closed Facebook Group, please joing the Lower South Support Closed Facebook Group.
Click the link below to join!
Lower South Support Closed Facebook Group