What Caring Families Aotearoa would like for Christmas…
We understand that this year has been tough for so many families – so this Christmas, we wanted to ask for help that wasn’t just financial. Sometimes, the nicest thing about being Kiwis, is that we just love to ‘give a hand’ in any way we can.
Something about Christmas time speaks to the child in all of us. No matter how old we are, no matter how many ‘adult’ worries and concerns we have heaped on our plates – there’s still just something magical about this season of giving that warms our hearts.
And just like a small child, Caring Families Aotearoa has a wish list of lovely things that we would like to receive this year!
Take a look at our wish list items below and ‘give us a hand’ with them if you can! You will be helping us to support amazing caregivers like Vikki – you can read her story here.

We are a Not-For-Profit team supporting caregiver networks across the country! Of course, we always need your generous financial support – because most of our costs are focused on our front-line staff – to make sure that caregivers are fully equipped in their role of raising the next generation of awesome Kiwi kids.
If there’s one item that’s ALWAYS on our Christmas list, it’s money to help us support, train and advocate for those amazing individuals who have opened their homes to children in need of care. If you can give today to help keep our services up and running through the holidays, we would sincerely appreciate it!

Share this Appeal with your Friends!
Don’t have the time, tendencies or talents to give in these other ways?
Then could we ask for your help to simply spread the word to others in your circle?
Share this page link via email to your contacts, or join us on our socials and share our posts throughout the year!

Give Goods or Services
Each year our regional teams put on a calendar full of fun, family-focused events to give caregiving families an opportunity to connect with others and share joyful, memory-making experiences together.
These events often need venues, catering, entertainment, and many other ingredients.
Do you own a business that might be able to help us out with goods or services for these fun family events?

Tell Your Story
Have you been a caregiver and helped a child in your care towards a brighter future? Were you raised in care yourself and want to share why it’s so important for caregivers to understand what kids in care really need?
Has Caring Families Aotearoa been there for you when you needed some support?
We always LOVE to hear your stories – and it’s an important way for us to show the public how important it is that the caregiving community has quality support services freely available to them.

For a charitable organisation, the gift of time is so precious. It can help the most stretched budgets to expand a little further and is a tremendous help to our regional staff in keeping connected with their local caregiving community. If you’ve been wondering about volunteering with us, please click here to make a connection.

Make a ‘Bright Futures’ New Year Resolution
Our committed team of monthly givers – an incredible group of individuals who allow us to ‘keep the lights on’ throughout the year and help us to budget for our service delivery across the country with confidence.
With a minimum amount of $15 per month, we can make a real difference to caregiving families right across New Zealand, giving them practical support, training and know-how to parent our most vulnerable children.
And together, we all help to foster a brighter future for kids in care.
Want to help but not in the ways shown above?

Feel free to get in touch and let us know what you’re thinking!
Email fundraiser@caringfamilies.org.nz
We sincerely appreciate the generosity of ALL our members and supporters and thank you in advance for any help you can give to our appeal.
Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us at Caring Families Aotearoa!