When a child arrives in foster care, often it will be with very little.
Perhaps some clothing in a plastic rubbish bag … maybe not even that.
But these precious little ones in need of care and protection are often missing more than just possessions.
They are missing love, connection, life skills and resilience.
Here at Caring Families Aotearoa, we are in the business of giving these precious little ones their lives back, in the ways that truly matter.
We ensure that foster parents and caregivers are properly equipped to offer a warm, loving, and stable home – a place where these vulnerable children can be Healed, not simply Held.

We offer practical support and meaningful, specialised learning to all types of caregiving families who may be looking after Kiwi kids in need of care.
When the whole caregiving family are supported and trained in trauma-informed parenting, they in turn give rise to future generations who are confident of their place in the world and resilient in the face of life’s challenges.
Will you give generously today to give these precious little ones a second chance at a loving family and stable home?
To make a regular monthly gift from a credit card
You can simply select Regular Gift option on the form above.
Alternatively, click below to find out ways you can become a member of our Bright Futures committed giving team!
Our secure payment platform will verify your credit card details and send a receipt to your supplied email address immediately. You will also receive a Welcome Pack posted to your address in due course, outlining details of this agreement.
To give directly from your account to ours
Either via internet banking or by setting up an Automatic Payment (AP)
Our account details for these donations:
Payee Name
Caring Families Aotearoa
ANZ Account Number
01 0142 0059999 21
First Name/Last Name
2024 Christmas Donation
To Give Goods, Services or … Other?
If our Christmas Appeal has got you thinking of some creative and unique ways that you could lend your support to the caregiving community – please get in touch!
OR call freephone 0800 693 323.
A great BIG THANK YOU for giving the BEST gift of all this Christmas – A second chance at a happy childhood to Kiwi kids in care!
Happy Holidays to you and yours from the whole team here at Caring Families Aotearoa!