0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


At Caring Families Aotearoa, we are in awe of the dedication, love and unwavering patience shown by Kiwi caregivers.

So often, these young ones in need of care have experienced neglect, abuse, and trauma, others simply cannot be looked after by their biological parents for a variety of reasons.

That’s where our incredible foster parents and caregivers’ step in … and become the heroes these children desperately need.

They know these children need more than just a roof over their heads – they need a safe, loving, therapeutic home that offers them hope for the future.

But they cannot do it alone. They need our support to continue this life-changing work.

This month, as we celebrate Foster Care Awareness, we recognise the unsung heroes raising tomorrow’s super Kiwis.

We invite you to join us in making a lasting impact on these children’s lives and fostering a brighter future for Kiwi kids in care.

To make a regular monthly gift from a credit card

You can simply select Regular Gift option on the form above.

Alternatively, click below to find out ways you can become a member of our Bright Futures committed giving team!

Our secure payment platform will verify your credit card details and send a receipt to your supplied email address immediately. You will also receive a Welcome Pack posted to your address in due course, outlining details of this agreement.

To give directly from your account to ours

Either via internet banking or by setting up an Automatic Payment (AP)

Our account details for these donations:

Payee Name
Caring Families Aotearoa

ANZ Account Number
01 0142 0059999 21

First Name/Last Name

FCAW 2025

To Give Goods, Services or … Other?

If our Appeal has got you thinking of some creative and unique ways that you could lend your support to the caregiving community – please get in touch!

OR call freephone 0800 693 323.

Thank you for your kind support of our caregiving heroes!

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’
Helen Keller