Meet the Team
Meet the Caring Families Aotearoa team! We are here to support families who open their homes and hearts to tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) in need of care and protection.
Regional Coordinators
We also have a dedicated team of Regional Coordinators covering the country in ten regions. Our Regional Coordinators provide support and training to members.
Leadership Team
We are led by a group of nine who form the Leadership Team. This team is jointly responsible for progressing the vision and for all strategic, financial, legal, operational and reputational matters.
Our Governors
We are governed by seven dedicated board members. They decide the strategic direction for Caring Families Aotearoa, ensuring that care families are enabled, supported and trained to provide safe and nurturing homes.
Leadership Team

Linda Surtees MNZM
About Linda
Linda has lived experience as a foster parent including whanau care and Family Group Home care, where she formed many strong ties with tamariki she cared for. She has been with Caring Families Aotearoa since 2010 and CEO since 2012. She is a strong advocate for caregiving families to receive robust, collaborative support and training, and has ensured these supports have reached thousands of caregivers.
She has been involved in developing the new National Care Standards and establishing the Extraordinary Care Package for children in Permanent or Whanau Care. She continues today as Chair of the Extraordinary Care Fund Panel.
In 2019 Linda received an MNZM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her contribution to children and the state.

Nyvonne Krause
About Nyvonne
Ko Pāku te Maunga
Ko Tairua te Awa
Ko Tainui, Te Aupouri me Maniapoto ngā Iwi
Ko Marutūahu te tangata
Ko Ngati Rautao te hapuu
Ko Ōturu te Marae
Ko Amotahi Pouaka raua Ko Waiwera Tuaea ōku tupuna
Ko Reremoana tōku whaea
Ko Nyvonne tōku ingoa
My caregiver journey started when my husband and I took on a voluntary role for Hato Petera College as Mātua Atawhai. We then accepted the challenge of Family Home Parents for Child Youth & Family. Whanau took us to Perth where we worked as Professional Therapeutic Caregivers for an NGO and where I developed a true understanding of therapeutic parenting by attending every course I could. On my return to Aotearoa, I attended a DDP workshop where pennies dropped like rain for me. PACE is a natural way of being that requires a simple concept, connection, and connection is a feeling. And you can’t fake feelings.

Samantha Lenik
About Samantha
Samantha’s background is in communications, event organising and project coordination in corporate and NGO roles. She has worked and lived in the UK, Australia and New Zealand and enjoys connecting and meeting with people from all walks of life. Samantha is also the vice president of a charity, New Zealand Pompe Network, through which she advocates for equitable health outcomes for rare disorders in New Zealand.

Sally Moffatt
About Sally
Sally Moffatt is the Programme Manager for Caring Families Aotearoa. She holds a Diploma of Teaching and a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood). Sally is a skilled facilitator, delivering the Foundations for Attachment programme to caregivers across Aotearoa. Sally has an in-depth knowledge of developmental trauma, attachment, therapeutic parenting and the impact of developmental trauma on the developing brain. She has a passion to change the way we parent children and young people who have experienced maltreatment so that their trajectory in life changes for the better.

Megan Fitzgibbon
Care Support Manager
For critical support please email Jill Kirkland or call the Allegation Helpline, (0800 693 278), or email Nyvonne Krause for national support.
About Megan
Megan completed her post graduate degree in Clinical Psychology in South Africa and worked alongside the police and a community intervention center with a focus on Trauma, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and Play Therapy. Before coming to Caring Families Aotearoa, she worked in MSD’s Historical Claims team which dealt with historic claims of abuse in state care.

Wendy Lowe
About Wendy
I have been with Caring Families since 2012 and have many years of experience in various administration and finance roles. I have three grown up children and love being a part of the Caring Families Aotearoa team, knowing that I am making a difference in supporting the caregiver members to ensure they can provide healing homes for children not born to them.
Working with the team since 2012, I can honestly say that we are a team that all work together to get the job done.

Jenni Anderson
About Jenni
Jenni is a born communicator and connector. She holds a Diploma of Education, as she initially thought that her career path lay in the classroom. However, after nearly two decades of connecting people with causes and helping generous Kiwis to become the solution to the needs within society, she has well and truly found her calling as a fundraiser.
Jenni has raised significant sums for many national charities, including Stroke Foundation, Diabetes New Zealand and Victim Support.
She has a passion to see the vulnerable groups within our community supported to thrive. She also wishes to see the kind-hearted people working with these groups well-supported and adequately resourced to do the incredible work that they do.

Rob Surtees
About Rob
Rob’s professional interests lay with Family Therapy and parenting children with attachment disorders. He has a degree in counselling, has completed study in Psychotherapy, and has experience in foster caring. Travelling the country, Rob has delivered training in Kim Goldings “Foundations of Attachment” and provided more in-depth levels of understanding for foster carers. He believes anyone who cares for, or makes decisions for children in foster care needs to have an understanding of the trauma these children have experienced.

Di Marshall
About Di
Di has been with Caring Families since 2020 and has many years of experience in Administration and Early Childhood Education mostly in the NGO Sector. She has also been a respite carer, giving her valuable insights into the role our Caregivers hold in creating and maintaining safe and welcoming homes for tamariki. Di values the role that Caring Families Aotearoa have in supporting caregivers to parent tamariki in a way that supports wellbeing and healing. Di manages the admin team who look after our Membership and Training databases as well as supporting our National office staff and our Regional Coordinators.
Regional Coordinators Team
To find out more about the new regions/boundaries, please click here-Regional Coordinators – Caring Families

Christine Frost
Upper North
Covering Cape Reinga down to Papatoetoe.
Please phone/email Christine Frost for assistance:
M: 027 538 9691
About Chris
Christine is passionate about creating opportunities for individuals, whānau (families), and groups to flourish and to achieve a state of Mauri Ora (total wellbeing) working within a holistic approach. Christine has an extensive work history in Community, Social, and Education sectors. She is focused on a strength-based and solution-focused approach to enable whānau to achieve positive outcomes. She is currently a whānau caregiver of three beautiful tamariki and a mother to two.

Christie McGiven
Central North
From Manukau down to Taupō, but not including the areas of Coromandel, Tauranga, Ōpōtiki and the east coast down to Gisborne.
Ph: 0800 693 323
Mob: 027 501 0393
About Christie
Christie has a varied not-for-profit background in learning support, group facilitation, volunteer and operational management. She has worked across education, family support and the disability sector for the past eight years. Christie joined the team in 2021 and enjoys working collaboratively to support caregivers and their whānau to feel more connected, confident and resourced.

Nyvonne Krause
North East
Covering Coromandel, Tauranga, Opotiki and the east coast down to Gisborne and out to Hicks Bay.
Please phone/email Nyvonne Krause for assistance:
Ph: 027 501 0395
About Nyvonne
Ko Pāku te Maunga
Ko Tairua te Awa
Ko Tainui, Te Aupouri me Maniapoto ngā Iwi
Ko Marutūahu te tangata
Ko Ngati Rautao te hapuu
Ko Ōturu te Marae
Ko Amotahi Pouaka raua Ko Waiwera Tuaea ōku tupuna
Ko Reremoana tōku whaea
Ko Nyvonne tōku ingoa
My caregiver journey started when my husband and I took on a voluntary role for Hato Petera College as Mātua Atawhai. We then accepted the challenge of Family Home Parents for Child Youth & Family. Whanau took us to Perth where we worked as Professional Therapeutic Caregivers for an NGO and where I developed a true understanding of therapeutic parenting by attending every course I could. On my return to Aotearoa, I attended a DDP workshop where pennies dropped like rain for me. PACE is a natural way of being that requires a simple concept, connection, and connection is a feeling. And you can’t fake feelings.

Ebony Phillips
Lower North
Covering south of Turangi, out to south of Gisborne, out to Mokau on the West coast then everything down to Wellington.
Ph: 0800 693 323
Mob: 027 501 0394
About Ebony
Her background is in building communities, advocating for different groups, seeing the need and helping to build change. For her personally, she loves the term whāngai (foster) because it expresses her spiritual, emotional, and physical connection to caregiving. Not only is she a whāngai parent, but also a whāngai sister, a whāngai aunty and a whāngai cousin. Her experience with whāngai is personal to her as it is interwoven into every aspect of her life, and she hopes to share, support, advocate and help you through your journey of caregiving where she can.

Denise Green
About Denise
I have been with Caring Families Aotearoa since 2015 as Regional Coordinator in the Upper South region. I have 25 years experience as a caregiver and have completed Level 1 training in DDP. I remain committed to supporting caregivers in the Nelson/Tasman, Marlborough and West Coast areas.

Lisa Watson
About Lisa
Kai ora my name is Lisa and I support the Canterbury region. I came into this role from the education sector with a primary focus on early childhood development and the importance of relational based connections. As a Mum of a child who is neurodivergent, I have a personal connection with supporting whānau who care for children with diverse needs.
I look forward to connecting with you and offering you support, guidance and strategies as you navigate your way through your caregiving journey.

Stacey Penrose
Lower South / Otago – South of Jackson’s Bay on the West Coast and Waitake Bridge on the East Coast, down to Southland.
Ph: 03 281 7495
Mob: 027 501 0392
About Stacey
I am the Regional Coordinator for Lower South and live in a settlement south of Dunedin called Taieri Mouth. I have been working with caregivers and children in care for the last 20 years including being a whanau and non-whanau caregiver during this time. I have four tamariki, with my eldest three being in my permanent care and all four help keep me busy and on my toes! I have recently completed my Masters in Community and Social Work and look forward to being part of the team supporting caregivers in Otago and Southland.
National Office Team

Jennifer Hanson
Executive Assistant
Ph: 04 974 8202
About Jennifer
Jennifer has been working for Caring Families Aotearoa since 2015 and has been Linda’s Executive Assistant since 2019. She also provides HR support and is one of the Employment Relations Officers in the office. Jennifer holds a Legal Executive Diploma and worked in law firms prior to coming to Caring Families Aotearoa.

Jill Kirkland
Critical Support Coordinator
Ph: 0800 693 278
About Jill
I originally hail from a farming community, close to the town of Waitara in Taranaki. Then moved to Lower Hutt when I got married. We have lived in Naenae for many years and raised our whānau here. I have been a caregiver with Open Home Foundation and Oranga Tamariki over the years with my amazing husband and three biological daughters. Currently, we have two beautiful whāngai mokos at home, who we are journeying through the teenage years.
I was trained as a social worker and have worked in a Teen Parent School and as a Victim Advisor for Ministry of Justice, then came to Caring Families Aotearoa in 2018 and love supporting and advocating for justice for tamariki and caregivers alike.

Bev Bade
Critical Support Co-ordinator
Ph: 0800 693 278
About Bev
I was born and raised on the West Coast of the South Island, building huts in the backyard and riding horses on the beach. I am married with two adult biological children, two beautiful permanency children and three adorable grandchildren. I have a passion for supporting children in care and their caregivers to have their needs met. My background is in schools and in the disability sector.
I have been involved with Caring Families for around 12 years, mainly in a voluntary role coordinating a support group in my hometown and with the Allegation Support Team since 2019. I find being able to walk the pathway through the allegation process with the caregivers to be a fulfilling role.

Joanne Dean
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Ph: 04 282 0292
About Joanne
Joanne has worked in communications for many not-for-profit organisations, including NZ Search and Rescue, Hutt Valley DHB and Save the Children. A trained journalist, she believes everyone has a story to tell and enjoys bringing stories to life that make a positive difference for others.
Before joining Caring Families in May 2024, Joanne spent two years working as a Teacher Aide at her son’s primary school, where she supported children with neurodiversity, learning difficulties and developmental trauma. She has three tamariki and spends her free time on the kids’ sports sidelines or walking the family dog.

Dagmar Cronauer
Training Coordinator
Ph: 0800 693 323
About Dagmar
Dagmar has a master’s degree in Tourism Management from Victoria University, and her research focused on volunteering, altruistic travel, and host-guest relationships in non-commercial tourism settings. Before coming to Caring Families Aotearoa, she worked in international development supporting volunteers in the Pacific, and the health care sector supporting children with high health needs. She coordinates in-person and online trainings for caregivers and works closely with the Regional Coordinators and the admin team.

Amy Ririnui
Administration Team Lead
Ph: 0800 693 323
About Amy
Ko Mataatua te waka.
Ko Ngāi te Rangi te Iwi.
Ko Ngāti Hē te hāpu
Ko Maungatapu te marae
Ko Tamapahore tōku tipuna
Ko Moihi tōku matua
Ko Evelyn tōku whaea
No Tauranga ahau
Ko Amy tōku ingoa
I joined Caring Families Aotearoa in 2022 and my role is admin support for both the Finance and Fundraising team. I have always been passionate about helping people and have almost 30 years’ experience working in the not-for-profit sector.

Sunny Lui
Fundraising Administrator
Ph: 0800 693 323