0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278



Our annual membership survey was completed by over 1,000 of you. Thank you! Your responses help us understand what is important to you and help shape the decisions we make when evaluating our support, training, events, and day-to-day communications. 

Your responses told us; 

  • 87% of you responded that Caring Families Aotearoa offered sufficient training and learning opportunities. 
  • 47% of you feel in-person training worked best for you, while 27% preferred online self-directed and 24% preferred online, facilitated by an expert in real-time. 
  • 49% of you replied that regular one hour training sessions spread over a few weeks either virtual or face-to-face worked best for you. 

We have been listening to your feedback regarding training and we have an online self-directed training coming out very soon. We are developing shorter training that can be delivered online self-directed or facilitated by an expert. 

  • We asked you to rate the emails you receive from us and  86% of you felt the content was easy to understand, 80% felt the emails had topics relevant to you, and 82% felt the frequency of emails was good.  
  • It was great to hear that you found the Caring Families Aotearoa website easy to navigate and contained relevant information. 

You answered the question; ‘Has the support of Caring Families Aotearoa made a positive difference to you?’, with so many lovely comments on how we have supported you…  

“Fantastic support when I had a very difficult time with OT.” 


“Amazing workshop on difficult behaviours that I still use the info from all the time.” 


“Always a phone call away, always willing to listen.”


“I wish I had heard of your agency sooner.” 

We will work with our Senior Leadership Team to see how we can integrate your feedback into our different areas within the organisation.