0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora tatou, Ko Gavin toku ingoa.

Hi, I’m Gavin, the new Regional Coordinator for North-West.  I have a background in nursing.  I’ve had a lot of roles providing support and education to patients, their whānau, and fellow health professionals. I have had a lot of experience helping people problem solve, plan, and overcome health and everyday challenges. Although my new role supporting all of you is a little different from health, I am very people focussed and I am really looking forward to meeting, supporting, and learning from the whānau in the North-West.

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support
Gavin Hurnard
North West
Regional Coordinator
06 281 1642
027 285 6015

On my personal side, I have two children (that are now adults), and we have experienced our share of health and developmental challenges along the way. I have recently moved from Palmerston North to New Plymouth and am really enjoying the coastal vibe. In my downtime, I like to get out and take photos of the New Zealand landscape and wildlife.

Matariki flew by, it’s hard to believe how fast this year is going. I hope you enjoyed Aotearoa’s newest holiday and got to sample some of the events in your area. At the time of writing, my plan is to get down to the TSB Festival of Lights in New Plymouth and take my camera for a walk.

A bit of big news for our region is that our boundaries will be extending.  From this month, North-West region will now include Manawatu, so in the next Snippets, we’ll welcome them in.

Future snippets from me will include a bit of what’s going on around our region; here is a little taste of what’s coming up in July:


If lights are your thing too, the Matariki Glow Show is being held through July in Palmerston North, Whanganui, and New Plymouth. Unlike the TSB Festival of Lights, there is a small charge, more details here.

For those in and around Palmerston North,  Sport Manawatu are running their Holiday Programme from the 12 – 14 July, more here.  Maybe there could be something for your tamariki to do.

One of my aims is to try and connect with as many of you, our Caregiver members, as possible.  I look forward to organising some fun events for you and your whānau so we can build connections amongst our Caregiving community.


Our Ako Ngātahi/Learning Together monthly online series is continuing, with this month’s focus on Behavioural Support.

For more details on our Training please click the button below:

Keeping PACE –

National Conference

21-22 September

Have you registered yet for this?  It’s a fantastic 2 days of learning, meeting and connecting with other Caregivers and enjoying a fabulous gala dinner.  Conference is being hosted in Lower Hutt this year, do consider going, you’ll get so much out of it.  More details can be found here.

Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?

As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.

Click the link below to join!

North West Support Closed Facebook Group

Lastly, if you need a listening ear, some advice, or have a challenge we can help you with, please feel free to contact me.  In the meantime, keep warm, stay safe, and be happy.

Kia kaha
