0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Kia ora koutou,

As I work from my desk at home and reflect on the past, in many ways I’m grateful for the opportunity lockdown created to experience my life differently. Many of you shared this gratefulness during my ring around of the region, it was fantastic connecting with so many of you.

Spending unhindered time with partners and children had allowed caregivers to enjoy and understand more about their whānau. Stopping the continuous momentum of activities and driving children around was another relief.

Teena Bennett
North West RC
06 281 1642 or 027 285 6015

My lock down work station

I also heard the struggles and challenges lockdown presented for many of you, especially as home learning became a reality. Becoming a home schooler was one thing but then for some children and adults re-emerging from lockdown has been another hurdle to overcome. We need connection to thrive and yet we know this can be difficult for us let alone children with developmental trauma.

 Apart from establishing the routine again, a few therapeutic ideas to support anxious children are:

  • Be prepared to go back and provide comfort and guidance you may not have had to for a long time.
  • Agree on an object from home that you and the child feel connected to e.g. ‘every time you touch this, I’ll be thinking about you.’
  • Use warm welcomes on their return ‘I missed your smile today’ (conveying you were out of sight but not out of mind).
  • Don’t hurry to state things will be fine, acknowledge the loss of your availability and use curiosity to explore their feelings and empathy for the challenge of returning.

Dates for your diary

I will be returning to my office on Tuesday 9th June and I will let you know when usual face to face connection begins again. 

Support Group

I have facilitated weekly Zoom meetings throughout lock down on a Thursday morning. These will be moved to a Wednesday afternoon from 1.00pm (starting June 10th and fortnightly thereafter till we are able to meet in person again). These meetings will continue with a therapeutic focus.

If you are interested in joining, please contact me for details.

Email: Teenab@caringfamilies.org.nz
Call / text: 0272856015

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group will be up and running through June.

Please contact Diane on 0211851097 for dates and more information.

Time: 9.30am to 11.30am
Location: Barnardo Meeting Room,
186 Tukapa St, New Plymouth.


Urenui Support Group

Please contact Janine for confirmation of start dates or for more information.

Contact details are: 027 419 2898 or (06) 752 3096.

Location: 153 Waitoetoa Road, Urenui


Tiaki Koe i a Koe (Take Care of Yourself – especially at this time!)


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As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.

Click the link below to join!

North West Support Closed Facebook Group