0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa, 

Foster Care Awareness Week is a time to reflect on and celebrate the great contribution you have all made and continue to make. Through your care and commitment, you have and will continue to change lives for the better. Thank you – you are valued immensely.

Often, I find Foster Care Awareness Week is not a big deal for caregivers and it often seems to get lost in the busyness of the caregiver role, so it’s important that we who observe the dedication of caregivers ensure it is honoured and remembered.  I like this quote: 

Teena Bennett
North West RC
06 281 1642 or 027 285 6015

“Celebration is a kind of food we all need in our lives, each individual brings a special recipe or offering so that together it will make a feast”

Mā te wā / see you later,


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