0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Tena Koutou Katoa,

I hope you enjoyed Easter, the school holidays and hopefully a slight change of pace? Since our last Newsletter I have had a wee holiday in the lovely far North with mixed weather, but it was refreshing. I felt really blessed to have those few restful days but in reality, found it quite hard to not feel guilty about doing nothing … I’m way better at telling other people it’s okay! Sometimes I must give myself a stern talking to and really challenge my own thoughts and expectations of myself to ensure I keep a balance. I used this word ‘balance’ in my last newsletter too, so there’s a bit of a theme here. For those of you who don’t have a supportive network around you, I encourage you to be aware of self-talk that is unkind and unhelpful. You are involved in the hard work of transformation which can be slow and sacrificial, and you are the carriers of hope and vision for your tamariki. You are so very worthy of praise and appreciation.

Teena Bennett
North West RC
06 281 1642 or 027 285 6015

Coming up

Please lookout for the June Newsletter for details of mid-winter events, after the cancellations in Foster Care Awareness Week.


Our training calendar is now live and waiting for you to register. In addition to our face-to-face workshops, Caring Families Aotearoa is offering new opportunities to participate online. Click on the link below and take advantage of the flexible days and times for these workshops.

Mā te wā / see you later,


Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?

As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.

Click the link below to join!

North West Support Closed Facebook Group